I heard screaming and loud people and knew the fans walked in so I quickly ran to my spot and met a ton of fans! they were all so sweet! I toke tons of pictures it was amazing!

The meeting part of the event ended and now it's time for the stage part. Where people ask us questions and we make vines and Shawn and Dustyn are going to perform.

We went back into an extra room behind the stage since we had a little break. Matt came up to me with a dirty blonde haired girl with blue eyes who was about 5'6.

"Ryann this is my sister Natalie" she hugged me and then we took some photos and exchanged numbers

Then Brent started walking up to me with a girl with long blonde hair with blue tips and electric blue eyes and she had braces. She was absolutely stunning. They were holding hands so I know that's his girlfriend.

"Hi I'm Anna and I'm a really big fan!" She told me so we took a few photos and exchanged numbers.

"Stage time!" Bart told us all

We all walked out of the room and the entertainers walked on stage and the girlfriends and siblings went to the floor and sat.

I was going to sit on the end by Eva but Taylor grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him and didn't let go of my hand until the rest of the seats were taken and then he let go.

"Each entertainer will pick one person to ask a question. Then we will have shawn and Dustyn sing. Then they'll just talk to you and make some vines."

Bart explained

"Eva you can pick first" Bart told her

------ After The Questions------

These girls are so sweet. Now it's time for Dustyn and Shawn to sing.

"Alright everybody welcome Dustyn Carpenter!" Aaron yelled to the crown and we all walked off the stage and the boys went backstage for some reason and Eva and I walked down and sat next to Megan and Skylynn.

(Taylor's POV)

It's soon time. I'm sweating. I am so nervous.

(Ryann's POV)

Dustyn sang Story Of My Life by One Direction and then ran back stage. What the heck is going on? Eva and Megan ran backstage too. This is weird. I was about to get up and walk back there but Skylynn jumped on me and I couldn't just move her off me. Then I heard music start to play and I recognized it as What Makes You Beautiful. And the boys start coming out with microphones and there's different letters on their shirts. They all start singing and walk down the stairs and grab their girlfriends. Hayes grabbed Megan and Dustyn just grabbed Skylynn and he picked her up and they danced like that. Then there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Taylor and he grabbed me and we danced while they all still sung. The fans were ecstatic. Then when the song ended everyone with shirts on got on stage and went in a line


Jack G-E




Jack J-I










I ran up on stage and kissed Taylor! the fans went even crazier!

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