A Time and a Place

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All last night I couldn't help but get Lauren out of my mind. I tried reading, listening to my favorite songs, and even tried playing my guitar. For a moment my mind would be occupied with other thoughts, but eventually she would skip back into my mind again. I knew that I had a massive crush on her. I had a few flings here and there in my high school years but nothing ever felt like this before. When she walked through that door for the first time it was if time stopped and it was only her and I there. She was gorgeous, intelligent, and from what I could tell, kind. My heart couldn't help but glow whenever I looked at her.

"Camila! What's taking you so long up there! You're going to be late!" My Mom said yelling up the stairs. I jumped hearing the sudden voice which brought me back to reality. Today was my second day of school. I was more excited then usual because I had something special to look forward to, my AP Psych class with Lauren. Smiling, I realized that this was going to be a daily thing. I couldn't be any happier.

At School- Lunch
It was 11:30am as my friends Dinah, Ally, Normani, and I walked into the lunch room, sitting down at a rectangular table for lunch. I had my traditional turkey, lettuce, tomato, and mayo sandwich while Ally had her classic chicken Caesar salad with extra cheese. Normani however seemed to have something new every day. In a way I was kinda envious because she never had to eat the same thing twice. I could smell her pulled pork sandwich even though she sat across from me. It smelled absolutely amazing! I had had her mothers cooking before and it was out of this world so I could only imagine how this tasted. Dinah, well she always came back with a pile of food. I had grown used to it but I still thought it was funny sometimes when she would have to carry everything in a weird way. Some of the looks people gave her were hilarious. Today she had a water, orange juice, a plate of pasta, a small salad, and two big chocolate chip brownies. You would think that a human wouldn't be able to eat all that food in the allowed forty five minutes, but you'd be wrong. Dinah was one of the fastest eaters I knew and yet she could still hold a conversation. I didn't really how it was possible but it was.

"Hey Camila! So how are you liking your AP English class so far?" Ally said in her always cheerful voice.
"I'm liking it a lot. The teacher is really nice and then..well...there's this girl who's in my class..."
Immediately everyone looked up at me with an amused expression. I couldn't help but blush slightly, but slowly I started to continue with what I was saying. "Um, yeah so there's this girl and she's so beautiful. And her eyes are literally out of this world. I've never seen a person with eyes as green as hers." I said gushing.

My friends knew that I was gay ever since seventh grade and they knew how much a girls beauty would attract me. Especially they're eyes. They could easily tell by the way I looked and sounded that I really was into this 'mysterious' girl in my English class.
"Aww Mila! Starting early this year huh?" Dinah said trying to hide a smile.
"Dinah, stop!" Ally chimed in giving me a supportive look.
"So what's this girls name? She seems to be like an angel the way your describing her." Normani said liking at me intently.

"Guys! Would you keep it down! I don't want the whole lunch wave to find out! Keep it on the DL please! And Normani, to answer your question he name is Lauren and yes she is an angel. To me anyway." I said matter of factly.

Despite some of the girls giving me some suggestive grins, I knew I could trust every one of them. In response they all just nodded and smiled happily at me, with the exception of Dinah winking at me.  I knew that my secret would be safe with them and for right now I felt like they were the only ones who could know.

Last Period- AP English
"All right everyone! Welcome back! I hope we're all having a good day today. Since we covered all the housekeeping stuff yesterday we finally get to begin our first unit." Mrs.Anderson said as she began to write something up on the wipe board.

I wasn't quite expecting for her to jump right in on the second day but I didn't really have any reason to be bothered by it. English had been and still was one of my favorite subjects in school. I mean why would anyone deny a head start?

"Ok, so today we'll begin watching a movie which will start us off on our Morality unit. I am handing out a sheet and I want you all to take notes on the parts that you feel describe morality the most." Mrs.Anderson said counting off the papers and handing them to the person in each row.
I heard everyone move to their backpacks as they all got out their fresh new writing utensils, most of which were now writing their names and date on the top of the sheet.

As soon as all of us had received the handout, Mrs.Anderson switched off the lights before walking over to turn on the projector and then moving to her computer to start the movie. Slowly but surely we could now all see her desktop with the home screen being clicked open to full size. She was about to click 'Start' when she suddenly pulled away making one last comment. "It is important that you all can see and hear. If you're having trouble doing so in your current position you may either move your desk or change your seat." Immediately some of students got up moving to seats where their friends were while some genuinely moved because they had to. I wasn't really paying too much attention as some students around me moved when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure sit right next to me. I could tell it was a girl by the way her hair flowed and giving her a quick glance I looked up to see who it was. As soon as I did I felt my heart stop. It was Lauren, and she was looking right at me.

I had never been in such an awkward uncomfortable situation before. I did my best following the instructions, but I couldn't help to look and glance over at Lauren every now and then. Sometimes our eyes would connect but after a second or so I wouldn't always dart my eyes away back to the front of the room. All of us sat back and the the movie began. We all somewhat relaxed keeping an eye out for the "moral" parts of the movie. After about fifteen moments, the first point come up and I was about to jot my thoughts down when I saw a small piece of paper folded and placed on my notebook. I looked around and saw that everyone else was either writing or watching the movie. Mrs.Anderson was behind her desk watching the movie along with us. I had a feeling who the note was probably from. Lauren Jauregui.

Taking the paper in my hands I slowly and carefully began to unfold the paper. Inside was a message that I could tell had been quickly written. It read:
Hi Camila,
This weekend my family will be gone so I essentially have the whole house to myself. Maybe you'd like to hang out. You know have pizza and watch some movies?
Text me: xxx-xxx-xxxx

I felt like I had just hit the lottery. Any yet I couldn't help but feel the overwhelming sense of butterflies within me. Even my hand was shaking. Picking up my head, I glanced over at the darker haired girl who had been sitting right next to me. I watched carefully as she wrote on the sheet we had been given before turning her head to look at me. I couldn't really tell if she was expecting me to be looking at her, but immediately her eyes softened and the corners of her lips turned up into a half smirk half smile. God, she looked so absolutely gorgeous as the light from the screen casted onto the side of her face. It made her eyes even more noticeable and I felt as if they were piercing me, going straight through my skin and directly into my heart. I had so many questions to ask, and so many comments to make. However, this certainly wasn't the time or place to engage in such a conversation.
There certainly was a time and place for everything and being in an AP class in general meant that all the rules were strictly enforced. Softly sighing I brought my attention back the movie being projected. I wanted nothing more then the day to be over.

The day's honestly just seemed to be getting better and better.

Luck of the DrawDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora