Chapter 2

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Levy's POV

I open my eyes as the sunlight hits my face. I feel arms wrap around my waist as I snuggle deeper into Gajeel's chest. I look out as Lily walks in with a newspaper. I try to get out of Gajeel's arms but he jut pulls me closer to his chest.

"Yer not going anywhere Shrimp," Gajeel's raspy sexy voice whispers in my ear.

HOLD ON. TIME OUT!! SEXY?! DID I JUST SAY GAJEEL'S VOICE WAS SEXY?! What is happening to my mind? I know I have a crush on him...

"Ya ok Shrimp?"

"Yeah, just lost in my thought," I say as I get out of his arms as we eat some breakfast.

I sit there and eat contently as I look at the newspaper that Lily got.

"I never heard of this place. And the year. We are defiantly in a parallel world," I tell them as I finish eating. "We got to get a job and blend in. Maybe work at a library and learn about this world and somehow get back to our world."

"Do ya think I'm gonna work a library?"

"No," I respond to Gajeel's question. "But it will be better if we stay together."

"That is a good idea Gajeel. I can stay here or pretend to be a regular cat," Pantherlily pipes in.

"Fine. Are we going today or later?"

"Let's go and find a library at the town nearby," I say as I look around.

"I can show you to way to the town from the cave."

"Thanks Lily. We should head out," I say as we start to go to the town.


We walk into the town. Pantherelily have already left and went back to the cave. I look Gajeel and smile as we walk out of the woods and into the town called Central City.

Wally's POV

I walk around Central City with Artemis as we hold hands.

"That movie was awesome," I tell we as she nods. "So, where to now?"

"How about the library. There is a book that I would like to check out."

"Sure," I say as we start to walk towards the library.

We keep walking as we wait for the light to turn green for us to walk the street when a notice an odd couple. The man is around, I have to say 6'2" with black spiky hair. He have piercings on his ears(5 on each), 2 on either side of his nose, two under his bottom lip and three where his eyebrows should be. He wears a white bandana with a red zigzag stripe across it. He wears a black coat with a brown shirt and black pants. He have piercing red eyes. Next to him stands the lady, around 4'8" with blue hair. She is wearing a VERY short orange dress with white bow attacked to two white straps that hold her dress up. She have orange detach sleeves with an orange headband keeping her blue hair out of her face. She have hazel eyes. I nudge Artemis as we look at them.

"They must be new. Let's go say hi," Artemis says as the light turns green as we cross the street and head over to them. "Hi. My name is Artemis and this is my boyfriend Wally."

"Hi! My name is Levy," the girl tells us as she and Artemis shakes hands. "This is my friend Gajeel. We just moved here and were thinking of working at the library. Do you think you can show us where it is?"

"Sure. We are heading there already," I tell her as we shake hands. "When did you get here?"

"Yesterday," Levy tells us. "Which is your favorite superhero?"

"Mine got to be the Flash," I tell her as I smile.

"That's cool. I can decide. They each have their pros and cons and weaknesses. It's hard to say which one is better," Levy explain.

"Makes sense," Artemis says as we stop at the library. "Here we are. Hopefully we can see you two around."

"Yup! Come on Gajeel, let's go talk to the manager," Levy says as she tugs his arm.

"What every Shrimp," I hear him mumble.

"I'm not a Shrimp!! Your just too tall," Levy tells Gajeel.

"GeeHee," Gajeel says as he ruffs her hair as they get out of our sight.

"Hmm. I wonder where they are from,"
I wonder to Artemis as we enter the building.

Gajeel's POV

"Hmm. I wonder where they are from," I hear the red head, Wally tell his blond girlfriend, Artemis.

I stay near Levy protectively as we search for the manager for a job. When we found him we went to his office and talk about the job. After a chat he hire us and we start to work, $5.00 an hour. It's not a bad deal, I have to say. Levy go to the counter as I go to put the books back on the shelves. I can't wait for the day to be over so we can go back to the cave and be alone. I notice Wally and Artemis as I keep working. I can hear everything that is being said, because of my dragon hearing. I would sneak glances at Levy and my gosh, she is GORGEOUS! She's like a ray of sunshine in my darkness. Every time I'm around her my heart beats faster and it feels like butterflies are in my stomach. I never had this feeling for anyone else, so, I'm 99% sure that I have a crush on Shrimp. When we hug, her body fits perfectly in my chest. I shake my head as I go back to work. I have to keep the thoughts out of my head. I sigh and go back to work, wishing for the day to go faster.
/Yo! So the second chapter is done my little moonlight(I'm going to call my readers that for all of my stories. I think it is cute and adorable! Hopefully you like your nickname readers! I mean, readers is SOOOOO BORING! It just plain. It doesn't make someone smile or bright someone's day up!) ANYWAY, see ya next chapter! And go read my other stories about Fairy Tail(I'm going to publish ones about Digimon, Soul Eater, Bleach, Young Justice[regular], Danny Phantom and others. Don't worry! And...


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