Chapter 1

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Yo! So these are author notes. If I have an author note it will be bold and have / before and after with word in between. The POV will change constantly(but not every sentence) each chapter. It will switch at least twice. Hope you enjoy! Also this happens after season two of Young Justice and KF is still alive(I had to have him be one Earth and not in the speedforce) and for Fairy Tail it happens after the S-Class trails and the 7 year difference.

Levy's POV

Gajeel, Pantherlily and myself start to walk back to Fairy Tail from a job that we finished. We missed our train and Gajeel is happy, since he won't get motion sickness. I walk next to Gajeel. The job was at the twin to the west of Magnolia. We had to stop bandits from the dark guild, Pitch Black, from robbing a store. Gajeel knocked them all out while I just watch. I'm not a big fighting fan, so I left them to Gajeel. Pantherlily came along to keep an eye on us and make sure we don't do anything stupid. I sigh as we keep walking through the woods.

"Ya ok Shrimp," Gajeel ask as he looks at me.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I tell Gajeel not getting annoyed at his nickname for me because I gave up telling him to stop, plus I sorta like the nickname. "How much longer?"

"Another hour and then we are there," Lily explain.

To be honest, I have a HUGE crush on Gajeel. And he doesn't even know. I try to tell him, but I can't. I sigh as I hold Pantherlily in my arms since her is getting a bit tired from flying. All of the sudden, a portal or something opens in front of us and suck us in! I feel Gajeel wrap his arms around me as I hold onto Pantherlily as we are sucked to another world.

Wally West's POV

I sigh as I sit at the Watchtower bored out of my mind. Suddenly and alarm goes off as a hologram map of the world pops up with a red dot in the woods of. Central City. I was already in my costume as everyone else comes with theirs on.

"Let's go check it out," Aqualad tells us as we head off.

We all head into the bioship and buckle up as we leave. After five minutes we land where the signal is.

"No one is here," Superboy says as he looks around. "And and can't see anyone. They must be out of my range of hearing and sight."

"So what do we do now," I ask a little bit annoyed.

"We get clues," Nightwing tells us as he starts to scan around.

It is Artemis, Aqualad, Miss M, Nightwing and Superboy. We all decided to have a mission together like old times before Artemis and I go back into retirement.

"That's weird," Nightwing says as he scans an area. "There seem to have been a portal that opened the time we got the alert. Three rings came out and I can find where they went," Nightwing informs us.

"We can keep a look out for them. As long as they don't cause trouble that's not the big threat," Aqualad tells us. "Let's go tell the others what we found."

We all nod and head back to the Watertower.

Gajeel's POV

After the world stops spinning, I can see Lily Shrimp and myself landed in a forest. I look around and tries to pick up recognizable sent of our friends with no results.

"We gotta move," I tell Shrimp as I grab her hand and starts to walk a random direction.

"We can't stay here," I look back at Shrimp to see Lily still in her arms.

"Ok. Can you let go of my hand Gajeel," Levy ask me as I blush and let her hand down.

I mutter a sorry as we keep walking. Sometime later we end up at a cave. We enter the cave and sigh in relief that no one is there.

"Let's stay here for the night," Shrimp say as we set up camp.

I make a fire pit and put rocks around in a circle as Pantherlily puts firewood. Levy use her Solid Script Magic and creates the word Fire as we sit around it. She also makes Iron, Kiwi and some raw meat for us to eat. I eat the Iron, while Lily and Shrimp splits the Kiwi and now cooked meat.

"Where are we?"

"Don't know. Maybe something like Edolas," I tell Levy.

"Maybe...but this doesn't look like Edolas."

"Let's worry about that tomorrow," Pantherlily says. "Right now we should get some sleep since the sun is setting."

I nod my head in agreement. Levy use her magic again to make some blankets for us. After everything is set up for bed, Shrimp and I lay down under a makeshift bed as Lily curls up under a different place, closer to the fire. I look over and see Levy shiver in her sleep. Instantly I wrap my arms around her and pulled her tiny body to my chest. She instantly snuggles into my chest.

"Night Gajeel."

"Night Shrimp," I mutter back as I fall asleep.

/TADA! Chapter 1 is complete! Comment vote and tune into the next chapter!/

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