Two | Shannon.

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"And that is where I have been for so long! Looks like I have to end this video here but if you enjoyed you should give it a big thumbs up, and as always... stay pretty kitties!"

The false information I gave out was truly heartbreaking, as though it was a challenge to spout lies to the people I was supposed to inspire. I gave a bright smile and waved before turning off the camera and stretching. The clothing I wore hung loosely over my body, it was truly an unattractive sight but this is what I had left of myself. However, From this point on I swore to myself to get better, no matter how hard it gets.

I took my time to carefully pack away my recording equipment back into my closet and slowly make my way to my bedroom door which Bailey had left open. Before I left I swiped my phone from my nightstand and exited into the hallway.

"Mom?" I called out weakly, my voice was still a little hoarse and my throat stung at every word I spoke. I certainly could not speak very loud.

Another door opened behind me and Bailey ran to me, it wasn't often that I left my room so truly this must have been an exciting moment for my sister who I no longer spent my time with. How idiotic of me, I had shut out the people who had actually loved me over a boy who had left me. Though, I excused my absence as a mental scar that needed time to heal.

Bailey hugged me, her arms wrapping around me so tightly that I could hardly breath but just knowing she was there was enough to fill me with the determination I needed. I now had two things to work for, my own health and my families happiness. I no longer wished to leave them on stand-by because frankly life does not wait for you to press play, and now I had lost time to make up for.
My mother joined the hug, I had been engulfed by the surrounding love of my family who just opened up my eyes to the light I had been missing.
The happiness was cut short, my phone rang out loudly, playing some default ringtone. I excused myself and went out into the backyard to take the call.

"Hello?" My voice came out more questioning than I intended.

"Miss Shannon Taylor? My name is Brittany Jocelyn and I have an offer for you! We have noticed some of your videos frequently on YouTube and are currently working on a music video for a raising musical sensation. I would like to ask if you would be interested in taking part in the filming?" The woman's bubbly voice spoke through the phone with energy which seemed to send persuasive vibes through the call.

"A music Video? May I ask the band?" I asked politely, I was curious and flattered that I had been an option for a video.

"Ah yes! The singer is titled 'Sounds like Harmony'" the woman spoke, not that the name meant much to me. I hadn't the slightest idea of who this band or singer was but I would suck it up and agree to the offer anyhow.

"Yes, I would be honoured to take part Miss Jocelyn, thank you!" I smiled, a radiate emotion I didn't know much of.

"Amazing! The song is titled fireworks and the recording will begin Monday at White Sand Beach, thank you for your co-operation! Goodbye!" And with that she cut the call. I was excited, though that meant extra hard work on helping myself look healthier before the filming. Not that I cared for how others saw me but I thought it would be nicer to have a bright, happy woman rather than a decaying corpse of a girl.

If the singer was anyway as nice as the producer had been I would honestly be the happiest woman alive, the idea of making music was a dream of mine and this could really boost my self confidence and perhaps even become noticed by a bigger organisation. I felt as though I was dreaming, unlike the countless nightmare's that seemed to fuel my nights for several weeks.

For the first time in so long I was excited and nervous for all the right reasons and my life was finally falling back into the right track. This was my ideal lifestyle and I was so happy to get to work with hopefully kind people.

Fireflies »Shyler«Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora