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Shannon laid back in her bed, pillows cushioning her head as her long term boyfriend, Tyler, leaned over her.
Soft kisses were planted gently along her neck and to the underside of her jaw, love bites and small reddened marks covered her collar and neck.
Hands had wandered and lips met as Tyler slipped his hand past her shorts.
Shannon knew where this was going and she wasn't prepared for this commitment yet. She placed a hand roughly to his chest, pushing against him. His lips still to hers, he hadn't got the message.
She pulled her lips from his, tears forming and her eyes becoming glassy.
"Tyler," Shannon whined, only to be met with a grunt in reply.
"Tyler, stop." She spoke as she pulled at his arm and pushed against him slightly. "Tyler, stop!" She said again this time confidence and sternness etched into her voice as she got into a sitting position and moved away from him, her knees pulled to her chest.
Tyler watched her for a moment before standing up and pulling back on his shirt and walking out of Shannon's bedroom.

Shannon felt the tears fall down her cheeks in long streams and dripped down onto her bare chest, her breasts covered by her knees and her shorts left unbuttoned. She brought a hand to her face and wiped at her eyes, it must have been an unattractive sight. Her mascara had begun to run down her cheeks leaving faint black streaks of make up. Her eyeliner was now patchy and messy. No one had been home all day except for her and Tyler.

Shannon stood up, her legs weak and her knees shaky as she took small steps to the door. She still had the same clothes, or lack off, on as she stepped out of the room. The hallway seemed like such a long stride in her current condition but she pushed through it.

"Tyler..?" She spoke weakly as she heard the pounding of his combat boots, which he had decided to wear today, hitting the wooden ground.
Shannon picked up a hoodie which hung at the top of the stairs.
"Tyler?" She spoke again, this time with a more questioning yet shaky tone. Tyler didn't reply yet Shannon could hear the door knob open and then close, causing Shannon to race down the stairs and towards the door. She stumbled forward as her shaky legs gave out before she yanked open the door. The male had already begun walking away from the house.

"Tyler!" Shannon screamed, she hadn't meant for this reaction, she hadn't meant to drive him away.
"Tyler please!" She screamed again through tears, choking on her words. This hadn't been the first time something like this had happened. Shannon clutched over her heart, her face twisted with sadness and her eyes cloudy with depression.
"Tyler please, you can't do this!" She screamed after him to which he didn't even glance back at her. "Please Tyler." Her words were choked and forced and almost unrecognisable as she sobbed loudly.

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