Last Christmas

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I saw Barry sitting over at a table in the corner . He was just sitting like he was perfectly fine . Me on the other hand , I'm broken . He broke my heart . I practically gave him my heart and he just gave it away . The even  sadder part was it was on Christmas Day . I walked up to his table . "How's your coffee tasting? Bitter I hope. I just wanted you to know I totally got over you . I don't like you coming in this shop . Come here when I'm not working because I don't want to see your sorry face ." I rant as I pick up his coffee and poured it on him . I made sure it wasn't steaming hot because that would be really mean . I just wanted to send him a message . I'm clearly not over him , but he can't know that ."Can I have a word with you?" He asks with coffee dripping out of his hair . I grab a few paper towels and walk to where he was . "If I talk to you will you leave me alone?" I ask. "Yes , I just wantyou to hear me out." He says as I hand him over some paper towels. "Last Christmas was a really hard time for me . Every Christmas really is . My mom died near Christmas time and I was finally getting over it , but I found myself missing her more and more . I couldn't have you dealing with my problems. I needed some time to think . I'm sorry I broke up with you on Christmas Day . I assure you that I didn't want to hurt you . I still love you Caitlin . I'm healed now and finally at peace with her death."He said looking at the ground . "I could of helped you through that , but instead you break up with me and come into my place of work telling me you love me. You know you broke my heart and just gave it away like you didn't want it . " I say with anger . "I do want your heart!I didn't want to bring you into my mess of a life , until it was fixed . I was just wondering if you would still give me a chance . I know I broke your heart and that I'm truly sorry for . Those weren't my intentions . I just needed some time . Now I'm here and I'm going to help you fix your broken heart . When it's healed I'll keep it and never give it away . Caitlin Snow would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? I'll focus on fixing you . You is all that matters. " He said with a smile . "Last Christmas I gave you my heart , but you gave it away . How can I possible forgive you and be your girlfriend knowing the pain you caused me. " I say crossing my arms . "I feel really bad for causing you so much pain . I'm going to stick by your side this Christmas and not leave you . You're going to have to take a leap of faith . Can you do that?" He asks holding out his hand . "If you break my heart again I will break you." I say ."So that's a yes!" He said with excitement. "Yes , but this is your last chance . Make this work okay?" I say . "Okay!" He said intertwining our hands and running out of the store . "I was working Barry and where are we going?" I ask . "I'm going to take you out on the town and you're going to have the best day of your life ." He said with a smile . This time I can tell deep down that it will work this time .

Dt and requested by SnowbarryOlicity21 and author_within

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