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If you guys want I'll continue the Twilight Au , but right now I want to have different Aus . I really love writing chapters . I hope you guys love reading them.

Caitlin's POV
Today is the day of my job interview. I'm really nervous for the interview. I don't want to mess up a potential job. I really need a good steady job to work for , so I can work on paying off my student loans . I still have a year left of school . Time has gone by in what's seems like a flash . I have learned so much since my first day. I can't imagine myself being a doctor for some reason. In little over a year my dream will come true. Today I have to get the job . It might make my life more interesting because I have a rather boring life . The only exciting thing was when I had a boyfriend, but that is in the past.

I pick out something casual and fancy, so it was appropriate for an interview. I have heard so much about Star labs and I really hope I get accepted. I was dressed and I drove to Star labs. I enter the building and ask the young secretary "What floor is the medical wing on?" "The fifth floor and good luck!" The young lady said . Luck is what I need if I want this position. So many other people would be applying for this and to think I actually have a slight chance. I press the elevator and go in. As the doors are inches away from closing , I see a hand stopping them from closing . A young man rushes in with a briefcase. "Sorry I need to go to the fifth floor if you don't mind . "The young man said as he pushed the button. "Yeah It's okay that's actually the floor I need to go to." I said . "Really what a coincidence." He said with a small laugh. After a few seconds I heard a crash and let out a small scream. "Sorry." I said embarrassed. "What's going on?" He said looking at the number on the elevator stuck on number 3."This elevator is having a minor problem. No need to worry through . We will have you out in a few hours ." The voice boomed over the intercom. "No I have an interview in thirty minutes. I have to get out now. " I said realizing the intercom was one way. I let out a sigh and sit on the floor. After a few minutes of silence I got up. I tried to open the elevator doors , but I felt a arm touch me. "Be careful it could be a three story drop . You don't want to die today do you?" He said. "No I want to get to my interview." I said in an annoyed voice . "Well so do I." He said sitting back down . I sat back down as well. "My names Barry Allen by the way." He said offering me his hand. "Caitlin Snow ." I said shaking his hand . "What job are you applying for?" Barry asked . "The doctor intern one ." I said. "I hope you'll get it." Barry said . "Looks like we're going to be in here for a while . Might as well get to know you." Barry said . "Sure , but I might cause you extreme boredom because my life is boring ." I said . "You seem very interesting, so I would love to hear more about your life." Barry said looking at me like a student does when a teacher is reading a story. I lightly laughed . "When I was seven my dad died and my mother pushed me away. I had only two friends in high school. I was a "nerd" in high school . I got done with high school and went on to pursue my dream of being a doctor . I love helping people , so it's the right job for me . I am a medical student for about one more year and I'll officially be a doctor . I wanted to apply to  the intern job to help pay off some loans and I love Star Labs." I said . "Hmm Doctor Snow , that has a nice ring to it. I think you'll make a lovely doctor . " Barry said . "Well thank you very much . Now what about you?" I said . "My mother was killed when I was seven and my dad was put to prison for it . I know for an absolute fact that he didn't though . That's what got me into the CSI work . I'm so interested in it. My foster dad is a police officer at CCPD , so I have some connections. I came here to get an internship in Star Labs CSI department. Once I finish that I hope to get a job at CCPD. Having Star labs on my application will really look good." Barry said . "That sounds like an interesting life . I wish I could say the same . Right now my life has nothing interesting. I hope if I get the internship I can make some friends." I said . "I can't say I'm doing  any better. My social life consists watching Netflix and being socially awkward." Barry said as I laughed . We talked for another hour and we really got to know each other well. The elevator doors opened . "Well looks like this is our floor . If I ever get hurt I'll make sure to request you as a doctor." Barry said as he walked off with a wink .Did he just  wink at me? I see him running back towards me . "I told you how socially awkward I am , so I'm just going to ask you . Can I have your number?" Barry said leaving me in shock . "So I can see how your interview went." Barry said with the cutest smile . "Yeah here's my number , so text me how your interview went . Also good luck ." I said as he smiles and leaves . I could hear him lightly screaming yes down the hallway .

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