Your Hand Fits In Mine Like It's Made Just For Me

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I arrived in the plane and got settled . I am terrified of riding in planes , but I have to because it's for work. I'm a traveling doctor . You think I would get used to them , but no. I'm scared to death that it will crash . I sit in my seat and see no one sitting next to me, but one seat over is a guy. I am glad because it would probably be either an annoying kid , or an overweight guy. I always lucked out traveling and got a quiet guy , or a quiet women . It annoys me when people try to make conversation the whole flight. I like to keep to myself rather than talk the whole time . Just as the flight attendant said put on your seat belts a young man got into the seat next to me. At least I'm not squished . He smiles and nods to me as a form of a 'hello'. I smiled back and looked out the window . The window seat is my favorite . "I'll pay you to get your seat." The young man said with a charming smile. "In your dreams. Why would I give a window seat up for a middle seat?" I ask annoyed . "At least I tried ." He shrugs. A couple hours into the flight I feel a tap on my shoulder . "What are you listening to?" He asks out of curiosity. "None of your business . " I reply . I knew he was going to make fun of me if I told him . "Oh really because I think I hear a Christmas song playing . Do I hear correctly?" He asks. I shrug as a form of 'yes'. "Are you a Christmas type of girl?" He asks . "Yes and I can see your a curious guy." I say . "Well can I listen as well ." He asks . I make a face . "No way." I almost half scream . He motioned for me to lower my voice . I was speaking loudly because music was playing in my ear. "Sorry." I say with a smile. I get back to listening to my music when I see his sad face . He's staring into the seat in front of him . "You still want to listen?" I ask nudging into his shoulder. "Yeah." He says as his face brightens . I hand him over one earbud and he moved closer to me , so the earbuds didn't fall out. "I didn't picture you as a Christmas type of guy." I say with a laugh and smile. "I didn't either . When you have nothing else to do it's good. " He replies with a shrug . "Oh and I'm Barry by the way." He says reaching his hand out . "Caitlin." I say accepting his hand shake.

I wake up and my head is on Barry's shoulder . I could see him looking at me . "Oh I'm sorry I'd didn't realize my head was on your shoulder ." I say embarrassed . I lift my head off and look out the window . "You can put your head down on my shoulder . I like it ." He says with a soft smile. I shrug and place my head back on his shoulder . He smells good. "Thanks." Barry replied as I realize I said that out loud . "You know you look cute when you sleep." He says . "You watched me sleep?" I ask freaked out . "Yeah I have nothing else to do ." He replied . "So tell me about yourself." Barry says.Oh great he actually want to talk. I go on talking about my life and it appears he's actually interested in what I'm saying . "What about you?"
I ask. He goes on telling me all about his life . I felt kind of bad for him . "Who knew you're such a nerd ." I laugh. "Who knew you would be so interesting ." He says with no sarcasm in his voice . I look into his entrancing eyes . "You have beautiful eyes ." I say getting a better look. Our faces are inches apart . "You have a beautiful face." He said as he leaned in closer . I make the next move and kiss him. Our short kiss broke when I leaned closer to him and the earbuds fell out of the phone . Music blasted through the plane.Him and I shared a quick laugh before I placed the headphones back in. "I really like you Caitlin . You're an interesting person and I'm interested in you." He says . "What do you mean?" I ask him . "Will you go out with me?" He asks with puppy dog eyes. "I would say yes , but I don't do long distance relationships. " I reply . "I'll go wherever you go . I will go with you ." He replies."We just met and I can't ask you to do that. " I reply . "But I always wanted to see the world . And it would be better with you by my side."He replies with a smile . "I can't ask you to leave your wonderful family . " I say. "You didn't ask me to and I want to. I know this sounds crazy , but I feel like we're meant to be. Do you believe in the impossible Caitlin ." He asks . "I don't know ." I reply with a confused face . "Well I do . We can make this work . It's really simple actually. Wherever you go I follow . I have a feeling deep down that we're meant to me. " He says. "You seriously want to make this work." I say pointing to him and back to me. "Yes more than anything." He says . "You just met me a few hours ago and you're willing to give up seeing your family everyday and a wonderful job?" I ask . "I can visit my family on the holidays . You and I are meant to be . It's destiny Caitlin ." He says as he gently intertwined our hands. "See it even fits perfectly . Kind of like your hands were made just for me."He said motioning towards our hands . "Well if you're willing to make this work , so am I ." I say with a smile . His face lite up with excitement. "Really?" He asks . "Really." I say kissing him. "Would you two love birds stop it. Im trying to sleep here. " The man next to Barry said . I leaned my head onto Barry's shoulder and put an earbud in my ear and gave him one.

SnowBarry AuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora