Team Flash Forever

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They're both in college.

The overwhelming weight of my books cause me to suddenly lose my balance . Everything goes in slow motion as I was soon going to fall . That would be so embarrassing. I would be the laughing stock , since the "popular" kids hate me for a reason I'm not aware of . I never talk to them , but they always give me weird looks . I'm a nerd who keeps to herself , so I don't know why they have a problem with me . As I'm about to fall a humiliated fall , a pair of manly arms wrap around me . Saving me like a knight in shining armor. I meet his eyes and get lost in them , until he stood me up. I immediately recognized him as Barry Allen. He was a fellow nerd like me , but he was the hottest nerd I've ever seen. He has very muscular arms , green eyes that entrance you if you look at them , and an angelic face . All the girl nerds drooled over him . I do have a little crush on him , but I keep that to myself . "Thanks for catching me . That would have been so embarrassing if I fell . You saved me from utter humiliation, so thank you Barry . " I said as he was shocked I knew his name . "Well thanks for being such a catch  ." Barry said with a wink leaving me dumbfounded. Heat began to rise to my cheeks . With that he walked away .

I just finished studying for my medical exam coming up. I felt somewhat good about my studying session . I walked to through the alleyway , so I could get to my car quickly because it was late at night. Central City was creepy at night , so I tried to be quick . I was just nearing my car when a pair of hands grabbed me . I scream very loud and he covers my mouth. "When I let go you will not scream. Do I make myself clear?" I nod and he releases his hand . I kept quiet, so I didn't get myself killed . I wasn't like those morons who would protest when being robbed with a gun to the head . "Give me all your money ." He said . Wow so original. I did like he said and reached for my money and handed it over . "Now you're coming with me."He said grabbing me. I tugged away from his arm and saw the perfect opportunity to escape. I feel like I'm the dumb girl in the horror movie , but I didn't want to go with him. I ran as fast as I could screaming help. I stupidly ran in to a closed off alleyway. He was walking towards me and I backed up crashing my back against the wall. "That was very reckless of you." He said cocking the gun and putting it to my head. I could see my life flash before my eyes , or maybe it was the streak of blurring red speeding towards me. "Come on man why do you got to pick on this lovely lady." The man in red said as he flashed away . I stood shocked for a minute , but shortly realized this is Central City after all. Home to many meta humans . The man in read flashed back and stood in front of me . "Sorry about that ma'am . " He said handing me the money . The lamppost across the street landed a beam of lighthouse on his face . It was so familiar. He was about to walk away . "Wait." I said moving closer looking at his eyes . The eyes are the thing I notice first on a stranger . I could look into people's eyes and know what emotion was hiding deep within their soul . I didn't have powers , but I could just tell. His eyes showed sadness . He cocks his head in confusion. That allows the light to shine perfectly on him , so I could see his whole face that wasn't covered by the mask. I see his eyes and immediately know who it is. "I know who you are ." I said . "Well of coarse I'm The Flash . " He said with a chuckle . I matched his eyes and voice to Barry Allen . Same features that were exactly alike . "You're Barry Allen." I stated . "Who?" He said clearly lying to my face. I could see a bit of fear in his eyes . "Don't worry I won't tell anyone . It's not like I have anyone to tell anyways . Your secret is safe with me . " I said reassuring him. His face grew lighter . "How did you know it was me." He asked curiously. "Your facial features give your identity away immediately. Well for me at least . I recently had a class on facial features . It sparked an interest for facial features for me . Now when I meet someone new I remember them by their features. The little things no one else's would notice ." I say as I see his confused face. "For instance you have green eyes with tiny swirls of blue . Not enough to be noticed at first glance , but since I study faces I noticed , You have dimples when you smile ,Your left eyebrow twitches when you're confused or angry , When you smile a small wrinkle appears near your nose , when you laugh your nose scrunches up slightly , and your voice is very distinct. " I say stopping , so I don't freak him out . All though I think I already did. "I sit alone at your table and have no friends , so I have time to pick up on things . Cisco plays with his fingers when he's irritated , Patty blinks her eyes repeatedly when she is impatient , Iris twirls her hair when she's excited , or interested in something , and like I said you twitch your eyebrows when you're confused or nervous . Kind of like what you're doing now. I started reading books on facial expressions and you can actually tell a lot from the small things people do without knowing . They're small habits that make a person unique. " I say shrugging my shoulders. "Wow you're very observant." He says shocked . "You're a medical student correct?" Barry asks . "Yes I'm not sure how you know that , but go on." I said unsure of what he was getting at. "You're the talk of the school . Everyone is jealous because you're so intelligent. You apparently get a perfect score on every test . You know so much about your major . That's what I've heard around school . I was wondering if you would like to joint my team and be my personal physician. It wouldn't be official because you haven't graduated. It's just Cisco and I , but if you join are team we will be set . You said you need friends right? This will be a good opportunity to make two friends ." He said pleading with me . "I have nothing better to do , so why not . Do you have a secret hide out. " I asked with enthusiasm. He chuckled lightly . "Yes I'll take you to it after school . You officially said yes correct?" Barry asked . "Yes , as long as I can study while I'm at the place waiting for you to do your superhero thing . " I stated. "So it's a deal?" He asked with his hand forward ."Yes it's a deal ." I said excited. "I'll walk you to your car." Barry said . "Thanks for saving me by the way . " I said. "The pleasure is all mine ." Barry said as I got to my car . "Team Flash for he win ." He said holding his hand out for a high five. I accepted it with a small laugh . "See you later ." I said pulling off . Finally and opportunity to make friends. This is going to be so amazing. I am so lucky I almost got robbed .

Flashback ends

"I remember it like it was yesterday, although it was only four years ago . That's the moment my life took a turn for the best . My life is so much better now . That day I made a new family ." I said holding my glass as everyone does the same . I lightly kiss Barry and we hold hands under the table . "Team Flash has come so far . I'm glad you guys stuck with me.We've been through a lot together ." Barry said raising his glass and we took a drink afterwards. "Team Flash forever ." Cisco said laughing . "Team Flash forever." I repeat as I take a sip of my drink .

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