"I hope so." He smiled, while unrolling the cable and squirting the gel onto my belly.

"They will." He reassured me. "Let's have a look at your little man. That will cheer you up."

Pressing the wand on my already huge bump, it took him a few minutes to measure the baby and check for certain diseases or deformities.

"Have you had any troubles?"

"Well, I can't stand anymore for longer periods of time, my abdomen sometimes feels tight and the Braxton-Hicks-contraction sometimes get worse." I informed him, thinking of a certain night, where they were so bad, Eric was freaking out and carried me all the way to the infirmary, even when I told him, that it was normal.

"I heard about that." Adrian laughed. "Little overprotective, isn't he?"

"Always." I agreed, chuckling.

He then showed me once again, my babies face, his arms and his legs. "From what I can see here, I would say he is about 16 inches long and about 2.5 pound heavy, which is over average. But if you look at his father, I would say it's normal."

"Great, I'm having a giant." I grumbled sarcastically, making Adrian snicker, as he examined me further.




I was just leaving the infirmary, as Eric came striding towards me.

"Did I miss it?"

As I smiled regretfully at him, he closed his eyes, trying to calm down. "He couldn't wait any longer, he had to get back to the hospital, but it's okay, Eric."

"No, it's not okay!" He shouted, before punching the wall.

I gasped, running towards him to prevent him from hurting himself further. "Stop it, Eric!" I grabbed his hand with the now bloody knuckles.

"It was one ultrasound. You will be there for the next one. So suck it up." I tried to cheer him up, with using one of his most used phrases.

But he still looked conflicted, as he pulled me into him, burying his head into my hair.

"I feel like I don't get to see you anymore and it's driving me nuts. I don't like the thought of you being alone in our flat, with no one to check up on you."

"You're exaggerating." I lectured him. "I am almost always with one of my friends, so you don't have to worry about me."

"I will always worry about you, no matter what." He murmured into my hair.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way."




Later that week I decided to spent my afternoon with Tris, since we shared the same abandonment regarding our men.

When my brother was done with the fear simulation of the initiates, he would either join the workers in the control room or lead patrols through the factionless sectors. So the two of us spent most of the time together.

Tris had now to face the same problem, I had 10 weeks prior.

Not many knew of her pregnancy, since she and Four were big on being private, but she was starting to show. It didn't help that she felt a lot more awful, than I had, what kept her from going to work in the control room, since she was done being instructor for this year.

That was also the reason, why we met at her flat.

Like normally, I arrived and first checked up on her, when I saw she was sleeping. Then I brought her lemon water, since that helped with the nauseous, before cooking. The greasy food at the cafeteria made it worse, so we usually ate something light, like chicken and bread.

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