(45)Pomegranate Pips (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Hmm... Check again." Thanatos grumbled and rolled his eyes.

I snickered from the couch. Thanatos shot me an irritated glare, but I quickly covered my amused grin with the thick book in my hands.

"What about your brother?"

My ears perked up.

"What about my brother?" Thanatos asked in an annoyed tone.

Conrad shrugged his shoulders; "I only assumed you'd want to warn him to be careful? Who knows what this lunatic wants; or who?"

"Hypnos can take care of himself."

Interesting... Hypnos? I've heard that name before. The god of sleep, wasn't it?
I wonder if he was anything like Thanatos.

Good lord- two of them!

That's a horrible idea!
Or was it?

Two Thanatos'... Two pairs of sexy eyes, four devilishly talented hands, two-pairs of six-packs and a whole lot of sass.

That doesn't sound too bad?



I looked up at the two men staring down at me. Conrad's face was full of unease and worry, but Thanatos knew exactly what I was thinking about; which is probably why he wiggled his eyebrows and winked.

I blushed and shot him a deadly glare; "Sorry, Conrad..."

"As I was saying, I have a class to lecture now, so you can go ahead and practise so long. Alexus will arrive later around midday to start with your Astronomical lessons, but I'll be back before then so we can revise that fire spell from yesterday."

I nodded with a wide smile; "Have fun!"

Conrad winked and walked towards the door, but then turned slightly, as if forgetting something; "Well, come on then!"

Thanatos was looking at me with a sly smile and didn't notice the old wizard calling to him.

I blushed deeper and tried to focus on the text in front of my eyes. It all just blurred together. The room suddenly felt very hot.

Conrad cleared his throat with great exaggeration.

Thanatos rolled his eyes and shot the old man a glare; "Can I help you?"

"Would you so kindly mind as to leave my pupil to her studies?"

A dramatic sigh escaped the Greek god's mouth.

"Actually I would mind, but seeing as I have some things to sort out on earth, I'll leave her in peace."

Thank the heavens!

"For now."

Why is my heart beating so fast? Calm down, jeez...

"Watch out there, Thanatos..." I said as my eyes skimmed over the page, not really registering what I was reading.

Thanatos turned his head slightly to give me a questioning look; I smiled up sweetly at him from the couch; "I don't think your ego will fit through that tiny door. Maybe just hunch your shoulders a little bit."

He was momentarily surprised by my insult. Conrad snickered softly from the other side of the room, but I kept the innocent smile plastered to my face and dropped my eyes back down to the book.

Thanatos shot Conrad a nasty glower. The old man tried to hide his smile as he shot me a wink and a sly 'thumbs-up' before he disappeared through the door; his dark green robe making a flapping noise as he briskly walked down the passage.

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