The Golden Maknae Jeon Jungkook of Seoul High, youngest member of the campus' bad boys group, Bangtan Boys or BTS. He really wants to be called that because "Hey, I'm one in a million. I'm golden", he'll always say.

Grr... Just the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. And his smirk. Oh, his smirk! The one of the things girls in this school would die for just for them to witness him do it live... and for me and his other dislikers to be making puking sounds in a corner whenever he does it.

Sure, the boy's golden because he literally is good in everything (like, hell I'd care). But that doesn't mean he should be boasting it around the school, does it?

"Hey, Jimin, are you even listening to this goddess?!" Seulgi exclaims, snapping her fingers at my face. "You should listen to-"

"Pardon?" I pipe up. I haven't been listening because- damn Jungkook.

"I said of course! We do this everyday last year so why would today be a no-no?" she helplessly throws her arms up again.

I flick her forehead, she whines like a child after I do it.

"Fine, brat. As if I could do anything," I sigh and look at her, lips pouting. "You're my sister after all."

She suddenly jumps on me and starts squishing my cheeks.

"Oh, thank you so much, oppa!" she cries and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "I love you more than I love Pringles!"

Right... as if she'd ever love me more than her precious favorite food.

She runs to her bunch of friends waiting for her in a corner. They start squealing like little ducklings being stepped on as she tells them what I'm about to do again.

I see her friend Wendy giving me a thumbs-up. I just grin at her.

We're lucky I have never been caught doing this one hell of a thing.

Sighing, I march my way to The Golden Maknae Jeon Jungkook's locker.

I try to be as casual as possible; like a criminal waiting for the right time to do another crime.

Except I'm not a criminal. And what I'm about to do is definitely not a crime, right?


As other students pass by me, I quickly slip the letter inside Jungkook's locker and start whistling a happy tune to myself... like what I always do whenever I do this.

So casual, Jimin. I'm so proud of myself.

When I hear the landing thump of the letter from inside, I smile to myself and turn around to leave-

"Out of my way, trash!"

I hear someone grumble as I hit something... someone face-first.


With a hand on my beating heart, I unstick my face from this person's hard-ass musky neck to look up at whoever this is and.. damn.

That face.

That smirk.

I gulp.

I'm internally making puking sounds.

"I said," he leans closer, his winter-cool breath fanning my face. Jesus, it's not even Christmas yet. "Out of my way... trash."

He glares at me with all his might, face showing cockiness, nose proud, his ear piercings shining in the light.

I realize this just now that everyone in the hallway is staring at me... at us.

I can see his five friends behind him giving me amused and dirty looks, especially that one short, pale dude who, I've noticed, is always dyeing his hair, like, every fcking school year. He dyed his hair black this time; he had mint green last year. (Not that I care, though.)

Jungkook's lips turn upward as he sees me not moving a tad because what the hell, nobody has told me that this boy looks and smells so goddamn good this close!

Not even Seulgi herself. Well, as if she'd ever have the guts to approach him. She's literally a chicken with all that hair color. Psh.

"You movin' out of my face or I flying kick you to the trashcans where you belong?" Jungkook growls, looking all steamy with his wet fringe and intense glare. Wtf, Jimin. Stop.

"S-sorry," I apologize and bow like the good boy I am, gliding to the other side - out of Jungkook's way to his locker.

Then as if on cue, everyone starts moving again doing whatever in the hallway.

I let out a long sigh I have been holding and wipe the sweat on my forehead.

That one was close. Too close.

But before I could totally leave the area, I hear his friends snicker so loud behind I can hear my eardrums break - especially the one laughing his ass off, sounding like a dying horse.

They probably are teasing him about the letter.

Hmm... probably.

But I try not to notice Jungkook's little "Shut up".

He sounds so cute it makes him... cute?

But, whatever. I've done my part today. This is what matters.


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