Chapter 21

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"Goodmorning Beautiful." a "trying to be sexy" kind of voice whispered behind my ears as I covered myself with the comforter  and two pillows on my head.

"Rise and shine sleepy head. I have to take you somewhere today. I know you'll like it. Go take a shower!" He said pulling the sheets off of me.

"Come on! up! up! you go!" He said as he pulled me up and placed a large towel on my head and lead me to the bathroom.

"I'll meet you downstairs!" He shouted and I smiled at him.

I spent 10 minutes in the shower, another 10 minutes to pick some clothes and another ten minutes to do my hair and a slight make up. I don't usually put an effort on painting my face, just a bit of foundation and concealer would do the trick. I wore my floral two piece bikini underneath my white netted beach dress along with my sunglasses. I brought a camera and some money for souvenir shopping, if that's where we're going.

"Are you done?" Elyar shouted and I jumped in pure shock.

"just a minute." I said and took a picture of myself in a full-bodied mirror just to post an OOTD on Instagram.

"really? you're taking that long just to post this?" He shouted once again and I laughed at him.

"I'm coming!" I said and ran down to him.

"Since the car is a bit too much for souvenir shopping.." Just as I thought.

"I rented a motor bike for us. It's much more exciting and fun. Here put this on." He handed me my helmet as I sat behind him and hugged him tighter.

"Just so you know, I've never rode one of these before. Just be carefull and slow DOWN!" I shouted at the end because he swooshed fast that caused me to hold onto him for dear life.

"GOSH! EL! slow down!" I shouted but he didn't followed me.

"It's no fun if I slowed down!" He shouted back. He started yelling and doing all sorts of techniques as we ran at the speed of light for and unknown reason.

After ten minutes of speed racing over nothing, he slowed down a bit and stopped at a floating restaurant, which is so cool!

"Woah! This is awesome!" I said as he parked his rented motorbike on the parking area.

"let's go?" He said and I nodded. We sat at the very edge of the place to feel the fresh wind that nature's been offering for quite a while now. I ordered sweet and sour fish and vanilla ice cream for dessert and he does the same. 

"while we're waiting, let's play-" I spoke before he could even finish.

"20 questions." I said and he nodded.

"as I thought so me first, how many girlfriends did you have in the past?" I asked and his eyes widen when I quickly asked that.

"well. I had two. What about you?" He asked and I raised my index finger telling him I had only one boyfriend before him.

"really? and you were serious with him." He asked and Ijust nodded as I took a sip from the iced tea that was newly served.

"Well, his mom doesn't like me for his son because for her, I only settle for less and money is the only thing I love about him, kurt." I said and he placed his hand on top of mine.

"I'm sure mom will like you. I'll let you meet her in my next break, I promise." He said and I smiled at him. 

"I hope she'll like me." I said and suddenly my phone buzzed off making the people from the restaurant look at our direction.

"Excuse me." I said and answered the phone while walking towards an area were less people were there.

"hello?" I said.

"Hello? Is this the famous Ellie Coleman?" She said and I was really confused by that.

"Yes I'm Ellie and No I'm not famous." I said but she just laughed.

"well you are famous in the world of writing now. I knew all about the scripts and story lines that you have created and I seem to gain interest on them. By the way this is Stephanie Meyer, Writer and Publisher of the Twilight Saga series and The Host." He said and I squeeled in excitement. She has been my inspiration in writing short stories, lyrics and other forms of writing. She's my role model and now I am speaking to her!

"Sorry about that. It's just, I'm a big fan and I gained interest in Writing because of you." I said and she just giggled. A sweet giggle.

"Well, I just want to offer you this. I want you to write a novel about anything you want and if the board and I will like it, we might as well publish it for you. Meet me in monday at starbucks near your workplace and we'll talk about everything then and there." She said and I was frozen, like literally! I can't feel my feet and I have a hard time closing my mouth.

"Thank you so much Stephannie! I'll meet you on monday!" I said and we all said our goodbyes before I went back to our table.

"Who was that?" El asked and I hopped in excitement.

"It was the famous Stephannie Meyer and she would like me to write a book. She said that if she and the board will like it, there's a greater chance that they would publish it! I'm really really excited over this!" I said as Elyar stood up and assisted me on sitting.

"Calm down chipmunk. Let's eat first and tell me the whole story after this okay?" He said and I nodded.

Luck is on my side now! This is too good to be true! 

well thank you for reading this and please vote for him!

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