Snart glanced at Barry. "Couldn't have done it without him." 

"Draycon's my jam."

Lewis approached Barry and stood very close to him. "Okay, Sam. Let's go." 

"Right now?"

"You've got a problem with that?" 

"No. All good. Can't wait." Lewis left first, and Barry turned to Snart who passed by him with a weird looking smile. 

Barry watched as both Snart's left. 

"Oh, this should be fun." 


The three of them arrived at the building dressed as janitors. 

"Keep quiet and follow my lead."

"Just like old times." 

The security guards at the desk were watching a baseball game. They asked for IDs and noticed that it didn't work. Lewis showed Barry a gun he had hidden, and Barry convinced the guards to let them go ahead. 

They made it to the 27th floor, where they found two guards. As Snart and his father were distracted with one another, Barry used his speed to get rid of the guards. They followed with the plan and it was 'Sam's' time to be put to use. Lewis and Snart watched out for anyone coming closer, as Barry used his speed to find the right access code that opened the door. 

"Told you Draycon was my jam." Snart when in first, while Lewis stayed close to 'Sam.'

"Nice job, Sam."


Lewis turned to him. "It's good to end on a high note." 

Lewis aimed the gun at Barry and fired at him, causing him to fall to the ground. Snart was watching and stared at Barry as they continued through the end of the plan. 

"Sorry, Barry." 


Back at S.T.A.R Labs, Cisco held a gun

"What are you gunna do to me with that thing?"

"Operating pressure on this is over 1,000 PSI. This will easily suck the micro-bomb out of her neck and into the barrel of this with one high-powered shot. There is one slight risk." Emely raised an eyebrow.

"Besides shooting a high-powered weapon at her neck? Gee, what more could there be?" Cisco looked at her. 

"You and your sarcasm." Emely smiled. 

"The gun does use compressed air." Lisa placed her hand on his arm. 

"I trust you, Cisco." 


Meanwhile, Snart and his father had arrived at the lasers. 

"Okay son, make me proud."

"Like I care." 

Snart used his cold gun to freeze the lasers beams and walked through them, causing them break. 

"I told you I had a better way passed the lasers." 

"Step aside. Time for another lesson." Lewis used a stethoscope to be able to open the safe and take what was locked behind it. 

At S.T.A.R Labs, Cisco was ready to shot the gun at Lisa's neck. 

"Can I do it?" Cisco glanced at Emely.

"Let her do it. I trust her too." Cisco handed the gun to the blue eyed girl and she got into position. 

Emely was about to fire when a beeping sound made her jump. Caitlin went over to see what it was about. 


"How are guys doing with Lisa?"

"We're in the middle of it, Flash." 

"All right. We need that bomb out," Barry changed into his suit, "the heist is going down now." 

Emely got ready again, and Lewis finished filling his bag when the alarms went off. 

"Time's up."

"Let's get out of here." They started to leave, when the Flash showed up.

"The only place you're going to is back to Iron Heights, Lewis."

"You wanna bet?"

"Do I wanna bet?" 

"Do not bet! Just give me minute." 

"Tell me, what kind of man puts a bomb in his own daughter?" 

"A very rich man." Lewis stepped closer to Barry and pulled something out. 

"Shoot him, son." Snart kept his gun aimed at Barry as they all waited. 

Lewis waited for his son to shoot, Barry waited for his team to give him the okay, and Snart waited for his sister to be okay.

"Kill him, or you'll never see your sister alive." 

Emely kept the gun to Lisa's neck, as Lisa glanced at her. 

"Do it, Emely. It's okay. You've become like a sister to me." Emely clenched her jaw and pulled the trigger 

Emely glanced at the barrel, which contained the thermite and glanced at Lisa who was still alive.

"I got the bomb out!" Barry heard over his coms. 

"Lisa's safe." Snart lowered his gun and his father turned to him. 

Snart aim the gun at his father and fired at him. 

"You're working with the Flash? I thought you hated him?"

"Not as much as I..hate you." Lewis fell to the ground. 

Snart crouched down and Barry walked to him, and took the gun. 

"Lisa was safe. Why did you do that?" 

"He broke my sister's heart." Snart looked up Barry. 

"Only fair I break his."  


Barry waited for Emely to arrive for their second date, as Patty approached him. 

"Fancy seeing you here." They began to talk and as Emely came in, she saw Patty handing Barry a piece of paper. 

Instead of walking in, she stood away from the door and heard a voice calling out to her. 

"Shorty!" She turned to find Lisa standing next to a motorcycle. 

"You taking off?" Lisa nodded

"But I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about whatever you saw in there." 

"It was nothing." Lisa noticed Emely's discomfort.

"It was something. I know because of how uncomfortable you seem. I'm guessing it has to do with Barry?" Emely nodded

"Look, shorty, all I can tell you is that Barry loves you. He reallys loves you. I could tell. Whatever it is that you saw, it might not be what you think it is. So promise me that you'll never let anything you see about Barry get to you, whether he's hugging some other girl or smiling at someone or talking a girl. The only girl he could ever love is you. And trust me, you'll get back together with him soon. Lily told me. She's not that bad."

"What you said back in S.T.A.R Labs, about me being like a sister to you, was it true?" Lisa was quiet

"You might be than that. You might be my first real friend." Emely smiled and hugged the taller girl. 

"See you around, Shorty."

"You too, Golden Glider." Emely as she watched Lisa drive off before heading back to Jitters. 

When she got inside, the first thing she did was pull Barry in for a kiss. 

"What was that for?"

"Because I love you. And I know you love me too."


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