The Six Worlds

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 "Do you know why you're here today, Mr. Amada?" the soft voice of a middle-aged woman spoke firmly. As the principal of a semi-elite high school of the 40th century, the woman needed the education of her school free of misconceptions.

"Maybe. Although I don't understand why it's wrong." replied 16 year old Killian Amada. Today in geography class, Killian had to make a presentation about the societies in the Earth System. Yes, the Earth System. As of that day, the year 4031, mankind has settled into five other planets beyond Earth. Society, life itself, became dense with humans, inhumans and humanoids.


"Here we are, we are at Domia, our original home. Then about a thousand and five hundred years ago, we colonized a habitable planet 300 light years away and named it Pioneer. Well, because it's the first planet we colonized besides Domia." Killian began his presentation.

"Are we the pioneer species there?" asked a fellow classmate.

"That's not true, there were bacterias and simple mammal-like creatures already living there. Then sixty years later, we developed Third World countries of Domia on a planet 720 light years away, Evolvo. Before colonizing began, there was a unit in the Inhuman Population Organization called Interstars. According to their statistics, there were around 20 non-Earth humanoids species living in Domia, because we made diplomatic relations with other planets." Killian continued.

"What's diplomatic relations?" asked a boy in the class.

"It means we're friends with aliens. Like Judd there, she's from the planet Glen. Okay, i'll continue. So because we have all these other species that's visiting the Earth System, we colonized a planet 1000 light year away and called it Mercatia. This is our entrepot, every products of Earth goes here to be sold to other planets inhabitants. It's easier because it is the furthest away from any Earth System planets. Mercatia is our main trade center. Then we have the fifth planet, also 300 light years away, Virens. It's the center of agriculture because the land there is very fertile. Oh, lastly, Cassus, 580 light years away, just a barren planet where we built waste management there. No one lives there, except a group of people to supervise the thousands of drones and robots that runs the place."


"Mr. Amada, you can't say Domia is the capital of Earth System. That would imply that Domia is in charge of everything, no, it doesn't go like that. The six planets are equal among each other, no boss, not one beneath the other." said the principal.

"But doesn't Domia means 'home' in Latin? Evolvo means 'develop', Mercatia comes from mercatura which means 'trade' and Virens means 'verdant'. Cassus literally means 'barren'." Killian started persuading.

"Yes, but that does not put Domia on top. We live in symbiosis, we tolerate and balance. Young man, do not teach incorrect facts to your classmates." 

"It's just a joke, more like a stereotype."

"The reason why you're in this room now is because that issue is sensitive, you could get suspended for speaking it"

Killian finally came to a silence. The woman looked at this boy and tried to lighten the mood by smiling. Then after mere seconds she spoke, "Alright, you can go back to class now. Remember, Amada, sensitive issue."


In the teacher's lounge, Killian's geography teacher was pouring himself a cup of coffee from the newly installed Caffe-bot. The machine suddenly spoke in an ominous sound, "Thank you, have a nice day". The teacher just spun around to join the group, "Yeah, yeah, put a sock in it". His comment made the other teachers giggled. 

"What's with that boy in your geography class, Hensen?" the math teacher inquired.

"Oh, he was just giving the idea that Domia is capital," Hensen spoke calmly.

"You know, the geography teacher before you came here was teaching that belief to his students." Hensen raised an eyebrow to her statement.

"It's true. He got fired from being a teacher. I mean, we know two thousand years ago, there was only the planet Domia and it was reaching 8 billion in population. At the time, races fought for their own land and there were countries. No dominant race, no single leader of the entire world.", she continued.

"Exactly, the Interstellar Affairs Unit of United Nations helped mankind to colonize other planets, so the six worlds should be this cooperation, not an organization chart flow, there is none more higher than the other, in administration-wise"

Even in class, Killian stirred a little racism between his friends who did not originated from Domia. There were a minority of students from Mercatia, Virens and Pioneer. A small percentage are non-Earth humanoids. Judd was from Glen, which is a system of three planets itself, and she was relatively short, had orange skin with white freckles and green pupils in their eyes. Their species were called Oglenns. There was also Pover, a 10th grader from the planet Purae Luk. Their species were more genetically similar to anthropods than humans. Antennas, rough chitin exoskeleton and large eyes, however they were very intelligent. Earth System's education was probably quite easy for him.

This had always become the planetary social issue. There was a conflict that existed way before the colonization of other planets in the Earth System. 

The humans and the inhumans rights.

The visit of other species in the galaxy to Domia came before the humans went out to venture themselves. Domia became populated with beings of other possibilities in life. What were called aliens became the reason for the founding of the Interstellar Unit. Soon, other non-humans wanted guarantees as well. The bionics, engineered soldiers, virus mutants, and not forgetting the discovery of mythical to supernatural creatures and people that practices ancient mystical arts. That is what the Inhuman Population Organization is for. To decide and help their position among the normal feeble humans.

However, thousands of years later, to sort the Earth System easier, there were only two types of people are concerned. Humans - be it normal, scientifically or magically enhanced. And humanoids, species of other interstellar systems that are sentient and intelligent.

Killian came from the Amada family, a clean line descendants of Domians only. They were forbidden to marry inhabitants of other planets, humans or not. It was not surprising how Killian had the idea that he thought was true all this time.

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