Build up to Christmas

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Christmas was getting closer and closer by the day. Emilia woke up in a rush to get to the mall, she was charging round the house like a lunatic, knocking over photos and almost crashing right through the stairs. When Emilia had arrived at the mall she saw Megan hanging around starbucks. As a shock to megan, who was daydreaming, Emilia charged up to Megan and greeted her in the biggest, friendly hug.

" Em! " Megan said gasping for breathe." You're late! " Jokily Megan nudged Em with her elbow. 

They walked of to Accesorize and acted like they hadn't seen eachother in years.

" How's the work going? " Em teased Megan because she knows Megan doesn't revise. All Em hears in reply is a simple " ughh."

Whilst Emilia was buying some earrings for her little sister, Megan was gawping at the whole rail full of one direction. Emilia pointed out the blanket and they stroked their faces, not to be weird but the blanket was fluffy.

" Meg. If they knew we were stroking a picture of their faces they'd think were mental. " Emilia bursts out in the voice thats over rided by laughter. A gang of three swotty girls walked into the shop and Emilia and Megan immediately shuddered and slouched to the back of the shop. They were trying to look normal by looking at the rails but they were trying to hide their faces. Megan grabbed a one direction pillow and hauled it infront of her face as a joke, without control Megan made Emilia burst into fits of laughter. Almost straight away they were noticed.

" Well well girlies, look who we have here. Two numnuts. " Katie's minions gave their bratty snigger and only stopped when Katie clicked her fingers. Katie thinks she's the best because she's doing a degree on hair and beauty, but her hairs to thin to be long and her makeup always looks rushed and the bright red lip stick was always on her teeth and her cleevage never looked good!

Megan being who she is over reacted and did the best defending she could in a kids shop. " listen up swotty hag. You may think you're the queen of the world but your a skanky control freak! Look at Jess and Hollie, lifes so much better when you dont have to pay people to be your friend. " 

Before Katie and her minions could scan their pea brains for a better come back than that, Emilia and Megan evacuated the shop walking so fast their legs almost ran off. They we're both already tired and needed a starbucks cheer up. Emilias face went pale and she became very quite.

" Whats wrong Em? "

" It's just i dont know if this is a good time. There's never a good time. "

" Em. You can tell me anything. I wont get mad. "

Emilia shakily lowered into a chair and munched the corner of her cookie. Megan was sat opposite slurping her hot drink and she stared Emilia in the eyes and saw her welling up.

" What is it Em? " Megan said releasing a big sigh.

" You might cry. My parents have been fighting a bit. " Emilia murmered under her breathe, " Alot actually. My mum told me that, she might not be able to cope anymore. In the rough area and all mum descided " Emilia couldn't finished her sentense as she was too busy wiping away her tears.

" Go on Em. " Megan said querieng wether she wanted to know or not.

" Mum said that we're going to move to Doncaster and if dad wanted to come with us he had to get a proper job and earn proper money. "

Megan wriggled in her seat and gulped a mouth full of hot cocoa. " Mhm. Ok we, we can work something out, we, we'll still meet up every weekend, right? And I'm sure you're dad will find a job, he's a great man. " She stuttered pausing from time to time.

" Megan.." Emilia sighed shaking her head down low and letting a tear fall off her chin. " Doncasters a  four hour drive from here. We can't put that pressure on ourselves when we have exams. I'll miss you too but it's a better college there too. "

"Wha, four hours. no no no..." Megans face drops into her hands and she sniffles her nose in disbelief. " When are, are you um, when are you going? " megans eyes flooded a  river when Emilia bit her lip.

" Soon, um before christmas. A coupple days. I had to tell you today because tomorrow we're having a small leaving party at the village hall. " Megan burst up and she hugged Emilia like she was about to die, " I'll spend every last minute with you! " 

To get things off their minds they took out their drinks and hurried into all the cheap shops in the mall. Poundland, Claires, H&M. As a jolly they were in the apple store for hours playing on the Iphones and IPads.

" If only we had the money, meg, isn't this amazing! " Emilia's finger slid across the button and it scanned her finger print. " Great security." 

After hours of trailing around Megan eventually found her car keys and they drove off piling into the traffic. Kiss Kiss radio was humming in the background. But when a very fimiliar sound came on Megan turned the volume up so it felt like the car was pounding.

" Midnight memories, woh oh oh oh oh oh.." Without caring they both burst out into song, knowing every lyric off by heart. Megan was turning the wheel in beat to the song and a coupple people hawnked at her. Laughing all the way home and gossiping about one direction Emilia dropped the spirit.

" The parties at 7, I'll call you later about all the plans. "

" Yeh hehe, Kay bye." Megan churned her engine as to rush Emilia inside and she zoomed off as she had to descide her outfit.

The door slammed behind her but it didnt bellow over the row that was happening in the kitchen. She tried to creep up the stairs but her sister whaled,

" Emi! Save me it's been happening for hours! "

Emilia hugged Amelia in to quieten her as they didn't want to stirr things up. Everything happend in a rush. Dropping her shopping bags behind the coat closet their dad stormed to the front door trailing a suitcase behind him. Calmly he picked up Leila and swung her back and forth, then he kissed Emilia on the forhead and walked out the creaky door and into the blizzardy air. His hair swung over his shoulder and he turned his head back and winked and Em. She was still in confusion as what exactly happened but she knew he wasn't just going on vaccation.

Later that night Em was lay in her bed when spookily her door started roaring open. She looked down to see Leila holding her ratty old teddy close to her and her thumb was swurling around her mouth.

" You can come in, but don't make a sound. " Emilia whispered in her quietest voice.

Leila snuggled close to Em, taking her body heat. She almost instantly fell into a deep enchanted sleep while Em was gazing up at the stars out her window. Slowly, peacefully Emilia's eye lids locked over her eyes and she was tranced into a dream that was un real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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