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Stephen found he couldn't sleep, so he wandered the hallway of the hotel. He turned a corner and saw the partially open door of one of the newer divas, a quiet little one he'd sort of taken a fancy to. The loud raucous strains of Guns and Roses rendition of Purple Rain blared from the room, and he couldn't help but be taken by curiousity.

Well, we all know what they say about curiousity, correct? How it killed the cat and whatnot? Exactly.

Either way, Stephen peeked in the door, thinking he'd finally find her awake, alone, so he could talk to her, properly get to know her. He had no idea he was walking right into something much more than that.

He stood a few feet from the bed now, the dim light of the hallway making her long jet black hair shine and stick out in contrast to the pale bed linens. He gulped as the long tanned leg kicked from beneath the sheet and she rolled flat onto her back, moaning something he couldn't quite make out.

His cock started to grow as he realized she slept partially nude, when the blanket came down a bit too far. By now, he was leaning against the post of the bed, and watching her, licking his lips, debating on being a gentleman, waking the lass.

Her tongue jutted out, passed slowly over plump and still slightly red tinted lips, and he'd been just about to walk out, go back to the safety of his own room, take a very cold shower, or a very hot one, and let his right hand do the work, but then it happened.

The Ipod playing the music came to a complete stop, and the room fell silent. And he could still hear her moaning, see her back arching, making his cock grow more, making the Irishman growl in irritation at himself, at what he was even doing in here, when she said it.

"Ahhh, fuck.. Stephen.. Mmmm, fuck me.. Sideways, in a chair, against a wall, in the shower.. God, I don't care, I just want you to fuck me.. Now." she moaned as her back arched a little.

He looked around the room, rubbing his large hand over his spiky red hair as he snickered a little and continued to his cock continued to grow.

He walked closer to the bed for some reason, as if he were on autopilot. He'd reached out to pull the covers back over her, determined to be a gentleman, determined NOT to take advantage of the situation as it were, but then she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Fuck." she muttered as she realized she wasn't in the room alone.

Finally he spoke. "Noisy one, aren't yeh, lass?"

Hearing that heavy Irish accent, combined with the dream still playing heavily on her mind, she found herself being flirtier than she dared.

"Why don't you find out?"

Stephen's head shot up and he looked at her in the dark. "Do yeh really want me to do that?" he asked calmly as he leaned in just a little bit closer after sitting on the bed.

"Maybe." she muttered quietly as she leaned in closer and licked her full lips as her eyes settled on his lap and she giggled.

"Wot's funny, lass. That's yer fault, yeh know." Sheamus pointed out as she pouted now, and raised to her knees on the bed, slowly coming towards him. She straddled his lap and muttered, "Aww. Let me fix it then?"

Stephen blinked in disbelief. "Yeh mean that?" he asked partially in shock and partially getting more aroused by the moment as his hands slid through her long black hair, then down her back, and coming to rest on her ass, squeezing gently.

"Ohh." she moaned quietly, bit her full lower lip as she pressed her bare chest against his, grinded daringly against his cock while sitting on his lap.

"I have a confession." she whispered as she pressed her lips to his, her tongue flickering out, slowly trailing over his lips, before parting them, tangling with his tongue expertly, and kissing him deeply, sucking his lower lip. Stephen muttered against her lips, "Oh do yeh? And wot's that, lass?" he asked as his hand left her ass, slowly slid up her thigh, and grazed her through her panties.

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