Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Lily's POV:*

       I couldn't help thinking about what was going on at Grimmauld place. Were they looking for me? Did they care enough to? I'd only been in this world for three months, I wasn't that significant. Suddenly I realized that it was true, I'd played my part in this battle, I'd told Dumbledore and Harry everything I knew, so now they could carry on and kill Voldemort once and for all, I wasn't of any use any more. It'll be easier with me out of the way, Dumbledore said he wants to go with him to find horcruxes but I know I'll just mess it up. I can be left here to rot, what difference would it make? The story would continue, Voldemort would perish, Ron would marry Hermione, and Harry, Harry would marry Ginny... The story will fall back into it's original path.

       I would've delved deeper, caused myself more pain, but Wormtail arrived to drag me upstairs. I was shoved into the usual chair, bound by the usual spell and pained by the usual words. Though this time the torture did not last as long, Voldemort stopped sooner and instead began to speak. "You must be wondering what reason I have for not killing you, when I could so easily. I have a task for you. You are going to bring Harry Potter to me, so that I may kill him once and for all." He smiled, it was twisted and cold. My skin shivered. "Do not try to resist, Lily Evans, I have Death Eaters stationed at St Mungo's, and if I say so, they will kill you dear little brother without hesitation." The shivering stopped, clogs started to turn in my mind, I was about to yell out but I was silenced by him pointing his wand directly at me, and hissing "Imperio."

       It was a strange feeling, it was like I had suddenly dived into a pool of refreshingly cool water. My mind was blank, there were no worries buzzing about any more. Everything was relaxed and cool, I liked it. The ropes around me were released, stand up, it was a voice, it had appeared inside my head. Another voice started to rise up, I was going to refuse but then I remember that I shouldn't. Without any struggle, I stood up.

       "Excellent." He stretched it out, low and quiet. "Now, you are going to write a letter to Harry Potter. You will write exactly what I tell you. You are going to make him believe you are in grave danger, and that he must come to your air immediately. I know that all members of the Order of the Phoenix are out looking for you, and so will not be there when Potter receives the letter. And I know Potter, he enjoys these moments where he can feel like a hero and above others, so he will come." Voldemort closed his fingers together, satisfied with the plan. Without processing the words properly, I was forced to nod. My mind remained blank but it no longer felt refreshing, it felt empty.

       I was handed parchment and a quill, "I have taken a while in constructing this letter, it has to sound like you, you see. It must be believable." He paced up and down the room, considering every word and enjoying every single moment of it. My hand was shaking so much, I hope the words would be unreadable anyway. Tears splashed all over the page but unfortunately did not make the ink run.

       Voldemort began, "My exact words, Evans, exact. Now begin, 'Harry, I miss you..." He laughed and glared at me shakily writing out the words. He continued, long, sickening sentences. I desperately wanted to find a way to tell them what I needed to, Sammy was more important, and I was in no real danger whilst Voldemort found uses for me. A moment came, he was thinking over the words. It was risky, but in the bottom corner of the page, really, really tiny, I wrote my message. I then messily folded over a tiny bit of the corner to make it look like I'd lent on it. When it was finished Voldemort picked up the letter, read it, and miraculously did not think anything of the corner. He underestimated me. The letter was sent and I was dragged back to the cellar.


*Harry's POV:*

       A huge, black screech owl with terrifyingly red eyes was sitting on the windowsill outside, impatiently pecking at the glass. Reluctantly, I ran over to the window and yanked it open. The owl flew in, dropped a letter on the floor, screeched and then flew at top speed into the sky again.

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