Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

     I woke up the next morning feeling really, really weird. It took me a moment to realize why I wasn't in my bedroom and what had happened. I was overjoyed to be a witch, but I felt somehow blind knowing my parents were gone forever. Like I wouldn't be able to see things in the same light ever again, plus I now was all Sammy had. I glanced at the clock hung up by my bed; it was only seven thirty am. I moved as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake Tonks, but then realizing when I stubbed my toe on the bedside table that she wasn't there.

      I got dressed clumsily in whatever was at the top of my trunk (which an exact type of trunks used a Hogwarts, an awesome birthday present). When I was done I glanced at my reflection in the full-length mirror on the wardrobe. My near-to waist-length shockingly red hair was the same. My skin, pale and dotted with freckles was the same, and my emerald green eyes were the same. I sighed, even though I still looked the same as always, I felt like a completely different person - an orphan, a witch.

     I tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen to see if anyone was there. I found Mrs Weasley and Tonks making breakfast. I could tell by Tonk's apologetic expression that she'd already broken something. Mrs Weasley wiped her hands on her frilly apron and turned around, upon seeing me there, she embraced me in a huge, warm hug.

     "Good morning Lily. How did you sleep?"

     "Fine, thank you Mrs Weasley." This was always my immediate response when I was trying to be very polite. Tonks turned around, a large grin on her face, "Wotcher Lily! I didn't snore too much did I?" I faked a smile and shook my head reassuringly. Mrs Weasley loaded a plate with sausages, eggs, baked beans and bacon and then beckoned me to sit and eat it. She then sat down opposite me, buttering some toast for herself.

     "Dumbledore was at the meeting yesterday, he said you can begin at Hogwarts as soon as the year starts on September first. I thought we could go into Diagon Alley today to get your school things, and I know this must all be very scary for you Lily, and I know we just met, but we're all here for you, you won't have to go through this alone."

     "Thanks Mrs Weasley, that means a lot." I had completely forgotten about me being able to go to Hogwarts, too much stuff was happening at once. "But what about Sammy, who'll look after him when I'm gone?"

     "We'll take good care of him here, and when you leave he can come back to the Burrow with Arthur and I." I smiled to show my appreciation, even though I was still worried to leave him behind. Though of course I knew he would get ten times the amount of better care from Mrs Weasley than me.

     "Hey Molly, can I take Lily to Diagon Alley instead? I had some things I want to get there." asked Tonks, putting on a pleading smile.

     "Oh I don't know..."

     "I'm fine with Tonks taking me." It would probably be really fun with Tonks, I thought to myself.

     "Oh alright. But you must stick together at all times, there's danger everywhere at the moment."

     "Course. Thanks Molly!" cried Tonks, flashing a triumphant smile.

     It took me a few minutes of thoughtful eating to work out how best to ask her what I really needed to say next. "Tonks, could I talk to you for a second?" Tonks shot me a quizzical look before nodding, and we went into the other room.

     "In the meeting you had with the Order yesterday, what did you tell everyone?" Tonks smiled though still looking serious, she really did smile a lot, and said "We told them that your parents were killed by the Death Eaters, since many of the Order knew your parents well, and how you were only just told about your family being magical, since your parents had been in hiding. We didn't tell them about you living in the future, or reading those books, but Dumbledore and Lupin already knew about the whole future/past thing somehow," (now I understood the look he gave me,) "but then we also told Sirius, Molly and Arthur. Then when more people had left, we told Remus and Dumbledore about the Harry Potter books. I didn't think you'd necessarily want everyone finding out that you know their future, I know I wouldn't, even though it may seem like we told a lot of people, but we just did what we thought would help the most. And Dumbledore reckons you'll be able to help us defeat You-Know-Who!" I hadn't actually realized that yet... but then I'd be changing the books... All this time travel and complications were making me feel like I was watching 'Inception' again.

     "And don't worry, non of us will say anything unless Dumbledore or you tells us to." I grinned at Tonks, unbelievably relieved that everyone didn't know about it. Me and Tonks went back into the kitchen and tucked into our breakfast.

     After I had finished, I got up from the table and washed my plate in the sink. Only Mr Weasley and Lupin had been down for breakfast so far - which is understandable since I woke up too early for my standards. I was just about to leave then kitchen when none other than Harry Potter walks in, followed by Hermione, Ron and Ginny. I just stared at them, my mouth hanging open, unable to get a single word out - I saw Tonks try to surpress a laugh in the background. The four of them stared back at me too, frowning slightly. It was Mrs Weasley who broke the extremely awkward silence first.

     "Morning! Did you all sleep well? This is Lily Evans, remember?" said Mrs Weasley with a bright smile. I wonder how much Mrs Weasley told them, did they know why I was here, what happened to my parents? I decided to just smile in their direction and then walked towards the door, where I was stopped again by Mrs Weasley rushing over to me.

     "Before I forget, dear, Professor McGonagall - the deputy head of Hogwarts - is coming around this morning to talk to you. You can go to Diagon Alley afterwards." I nodded and then went up to mine and Tonks' room.


     Professor McGonagall arrived shortly afterwards, and informed me of all the subjects taken at Hogwarts and what options and oppurtunities I had. Since I didn't have a guardian anymore Professor McGonagall signed the Hogsmeade slip for me, which seemed fair. I had already made up my decision ages ago that if I went to Hogwarts (which back then was just a dream), what my optional subjects would be. I told McGonagall that I wanted to take Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies. I know it's weird to take Muggle Studies when I've been living as a Muggle for my whole life, but I'm genuinely interested to see Muggles through a wizards point of view (plus it's a guaranteed O in my O.W.L.s) Professor McGonagall then gave me a list of all the books and things I would need, along with my train ticket. She also told me that when the year starts I'll be assigned a tutor from my house so that I can catch up. "See you on September first Miss Evans." And with that, she left.

     Afterwards, Mrs Weasley called me and Tonks over to the fireplace, which we would be using to travel by floo powder. "Lily Evans, I need to talk to you. You can come too Tonks." I turned around to find Kingsley Shacklebolt standing by the door. Tonks and I followed him into the hall. "When your parents left in 1980, they didn't take all their money out of their Gringotts vault. We don't know how much money is in the vault, but it now belongs to you. You don't need to worry about your parents arriving in 1997 and realizing there's less money - Dumbledore told us that your parents have no intention of going back to Gringotts to collect the money. Here's the key." Kingsley handed me a small, bronze key with 394 engraved onto it. I thanked him and then returned to the fireplace. Throwing a handful of floo powder into the flames, I shouted "Diagon Alley!" as clearly as possible. Thankfully, I travelled successfully. I arrived in the Leaky Cauldron, closely followed by Tonks, who started coughing, a lot. "Uhh, I hate travelling like that..." I grinned at her and then walked through the pub and into the unexpected, amazing streets of Diagon Alley.

     "Is this what you imagined?" asked Tonks, grinning her usual grin. I nodded, totally speechless. The shops, the streets, the people. It was more than I had imagined - so much more.

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