Chapter 2

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Lily's POV


Nervousness rushed over me.  He wanted to marry me?!  But I was only 16!!  What the hell?!  He starred up at me with those green eyes I'd fallen in love with, and held my hand.  So many thoughts bugged me.

What would management think? 

What would Jannice think?

Would we still be friends?

Worse...what would Louis think?

Surely he would kill us even though he promised to let us be to ourselves. [After all, he wasn't so good at keeping promises-he'd always end up breaking them(just for the book)]

I looked down at Harry-on his knees, then looked over at the thousands of pairs of eyes on me.  Everyone was...looking at me.  I couldn't believe Harry was able to ask me that question infront of everyone!  I felt my cheeks burning even darker red.

Harry was starting to look confused and nervous himself.  I guess it was because I was being weird in not answering when I'm usually answering him too fast.  My gaze fell to Louis.  He was definitely NOT happy.  Not happy at ALL.  He was fuming and looked like he was about to explode.  Tears were rolling down his eyes a lot quicker than mine and Harry's. 

I looked back down at Harry.  I was ready to answer.  I guess he could tell 'cause he held the mic up to my lips.

"I-I can't"

"What?" he looked bewildered and embarrassed.

I hadn't wanted to embarrass him or make him feel bad.

"I can't do it" I put my face in my hands and started crying.

Louis walked over to me and put an arm around my shoulder and lead me off the stage.

Harry's POV


I stood up and froze in shock as Louis lead her off the stage.  I thought I was doing the right thing.  I thought she WANTED to marry me.  She looked pretty nervous, though.  Maybe what I did was wrong?

I plopped down and started crying as people started to leave.  Even Liam and Niall went backstage to check on Lily.  The only person left was Jannice in the crowd.  (Lily, I promise we don't fall in love, but he and I are supposed to me close friends and I promise you and Hazza don't break up)

I expected her to get up and go backstage, too, because Lily and Liam were back there, but no.  She stood up and came up on the stage.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Harry" she sat down beside me and put her hand on my arm.

"I'm probably look retarded" i put my face in my hands.

"You don't" she assured me.  "You thought it was the right time to ask her.  I think it was really sweet."

i smiled weakly.

"And it's not like you hurt her" she pointed out.  "you two will make it up-you always have!"

I nodded.

"Why don't you go talk to her?" she suggested looking at her iPod.


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