Tsukinami Brothers

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The days I've been here started to blur together. The other brothers tried to get at me but it was clear Subaru had officially claimed me. I didn't mind though. My feelings for him was only getting stronger. It did hurt when he started to snap at me for no reason. Can't say I blame him. I am a handful sometimes. Those two brothers that were after me, hadn't been seen after the night they tried to take me. I wonder what was going on there. I was getting trained by Reiji with using a sword. He was kicking my ass at it. I was slowly catching onto his fighting style though. I'll beat him one day. That was a current goal of mine. We put the swords away and I looked over at him. He put his glasses back on and walked over to my side. I felt one of his arms drape over my shoulders as he hugged me before leaving. I smiled and started to walk to my room. I shut the door behind me and felt a similar presence in my room. I turned around to see Shu laying on the couch in my room. I hate when he pops up out of nowhere like that.
"Shu need something?" I walked over to him.
"Nothing truly important." He muttered and looked up at me. "I'm going to sleep in here. Stay quiet."
I only nodded and grabbed my nightgown, going into the bathroom. I changed into it and stepped out after I brushed my teeth. Shu grabbed me and pulled me down to lay with him. My cheeks flooded red in embarrassment and I looked down at him noticing I was on top of him.
"Sh-Shu!" I moved off him quickly only to fall onto the floor. I felt his weight on top of me soon after. His blue eyes looked down at my gray ones.
"What, little hunter?" He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I froze up again and shifted beneath him to push him off of me. Didn't work because he pinned me down this time. "Stop disobeying me." He snapped and I felt him move down to my neck.
"D-Don't. I'm not yours." I tried to give a reason but I heard him chuckle in response.
"Your Subaru's. I know that. Remember what I said though?" I will have fun making you mine. I blushed remembering it and a smirk crossed his face. "Good." He bit into my neck instantly drinking my blood. I winced and squeezed my eyes closed to prevent any actions or sounds to be made. Knowing Shu, such noises would probably make him want more. He pulled away once he was done taking a decent amount. I just laid there breathing heavily with my hand covering my neck. He rolled his eyes muttering something about me being useless. He picked me up and tucked me into my bed beneath the covers. He returned to the couch in my room and went back to sleep. I was surprised he's even in my room actually wanting to sleep. What if Subaru found out? How would he respond to this behavior from his brother? He'll probably get mad but Shu doesn't listen to me anyway.
I woke up to Reiji walking into the room. My eyes landed on his and I sat up. "Class already?" I groaned and climbed out of bed looking over to the couch. Shu was gone. Probably at the limo. I watched Reiji leave and I got ready for school quickly then grabbed my book bag before running out to meet the boys at our ride. We were at school in a matter of minutes and I broke apart from the others, following Subaru who took hold of my hand. I had my tie wrapped around my neck to hide Shu's mark from the white haired vampire. Subaru couldn't know. My face shifted to the floor and I was completely silent when we walked into the classroom. I went to my seat and the other went to his. I wonder how today will go. Hopefully better than it has been. I don't want to be attacked by Laito or those first blood vampires.
I got through my first two classes and walked down the halls so I can meet with Subaru a bit before my next class. I stopped walking when I laid eyes on two males with golden eyes heading toward me. They looked very familiar and my eyes widened. It's them. The one with white hair laid his gaze on mine and he stopped in front of me.
"You're her." His deep voice was a shock to me. He didn't seem like the type to have one. I noticed they were wearing school uniforms. They go here? I thought silently and looked up at the man. "Boku wa Karura desu." He said and gripped my chin. Carla? What an odd name for a man. It was pretty different to have a guy with a woman's name. I froze from his touch and the other with dirty blonde hair chuckled then spoke himself.
"Boku wa Shin desu." He grinned and walked up behind me brushing my long hair aside. I shivered from the feeling of him even near me. The eyepatch he wore was a bit disturbing to me. Carla raised my head some and looked into my eyes. Those eyes were still luring me in for some reason.
"You will come with us." He leaned down some so our faces were close. "You will obey me or those weak Sakamaki boys will suffer for it. Especially the youngest one you love."
Subaru.... "Don't hurt him. Please." I teared up and backed away forgetting Shin was behind me. His arms wrapped around me and one of his hands went over my mouth. Carla watched his brother take me away from the campus successfully before he started to follow. Subaru caught glimpse of him and glared coldly only getting very concerned of where I was, noticing I haven't showed up to meet with him. Carla stopped to tuck a note into the limousine's door, a warning to the Sakamaki brothers, before vanishing to follow Shin and me.

Dearest Hunterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن