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The shock that I was currently feeling was totally ruining my concentration. In history class, I was spaced out, practically just writing nonsense on my notebook.
They're all vampires...
I chewed on my pencil eraser and quickly packed up, leaving class as soon as the bell rung. I headed to PE class and changed into the gym uniform. I walked out keeping my hair down this time. I felt a sharp pain through my head and I ended up freezing in my place. My eyes looked around and those golden eyes flashed through the darkness. Who.. Who was that? The gray in my eyes darkened and started to walk absentmindedly away from the gym area. Those glowing gold eyes had me drawn in so quickly, I couldn't look away. I walked toward the figure only to be yanked back harshly. I stumbled and fell into someone's arms. My eyes went back to normal and I rubbed my head.
"What the.." I glanced over to the forest, the figure with the eyes of gold was gone. I looked up to see I was in Subaru's arms. I quickly moved in fear only to fall on my ass.
"What the hell? You're just hurting yourself now. Knock it off!" Subaru snapped at me and I flinched. What was his problem? He was nice to me and now he's like this?
I just looked to the floor and stood. He ignored me the entire time of class. Did I do something wrong? I mean, I did almost walk to a random figure with very intense eyes. I didn't mean to do it but I wasn't able to control myself. Can he really get mad at that?
I shrugged away the thoughts and went to change. I tossed my gym stuff into my locker and grabbed my bag, rushing out of the locker room. I didn't see my brother standing outside the school. Oji might've picked him up already. I frowned. I really needed him right now. I pulled out my cell and decided to call him.
It rang a few times before he answered.
"Hey sis. I can't really talk now. We're hunting." He whispered. "Call you later." Ichiro immediately hung up. I looked at my phone is shock. Hunting? Those eyes flashed through my mind again making me very lightheaded. What's going on? I knew I couldn't keep this myself for long. Maybe Reiji will have an idea on who it is? I sure hoped he did. I'm pretty startled by it.

POV Switch:: Earlier
~ Ichiro ~

I did leave school early, pretending to have gotten sick. I had to join the hunt tonight. It was very urgent. We tracked down to two vampires who seem to be mixed with werewolf. I didn't know such a thing was even possible until Katsuro explained it to me thoroughly. Me and Oji Katsuro were running behind the two wolf shaped figures. They were jumping around through the trees hoping to lose us. I adjusted the bandana around the lower half of my face and I lunged up into the trees using the branches to get higher. One of the wolves turned into a bat trying to escape us. I jumped off a branch swinging my katana down hard hoping to get him. I had missed and the wolf lunged at me, scratching up my shoulder. I winced feeling the warm liquid run down. Shit. I hit the ground hard and Katsuro made it to my side.
"Are you okay?" He sounded very concerned.
"Kinda. It only hurts when I move it." I looked at my right shoulder. It was cut open deep. I won't be able to continue this hunt until I heal. I looked at the two animals, they had shifted to human like forms. Both with piercing eyes. The one with white hair had a scarf covering the lower half of his face. He tilted his head to the side looking at me closely from where he stood.
"Is this who we're looking for, Nii-san?" One with dark blonde hair spoke up first.
"No.. Who we're looking for, is a girl. She must be at school. Let us go." The other man had a deeper voice. Seems they are after someone. The two had vanished in thin air after I had figured out who they wanted.
"Haru." I stood quickly only to drop down weakly.
"Stop, they can't be after her. Relax." Oji lifted me up and started to take me home. I couldn't believe him.. They looked dead at me and spoke of a girl at school. Its got to be Haruka.
Moments later after we got home, I felt my phone ring. It was my sister. I answered her and practically lied, saying we were hunting when we actually weren't because of my injury. She can't know about this. I just hope those boys she's living with can protect her. I hope those other two aren't really after her. They are too powerful.

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