Twenty one

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"I don't know when my next break is gonna be but I will try to come back out here soon," Trey said as they stood in front of the team's private jet. He was going back to Europe and she was going back to Los Angeles. His visit hadn't turned out like he thought it would. It had ended on a pretty sour note and now they didn't know what to say to each other.

"Okay," she quietly said as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Look, I'll miss you and I love you so much, okay? Please don't ever forget that," Trey said as he pulled her into a hug.

"How could I? I love you too baby," she cooed before pulling him in for a kiss. It didn't last that long because one of the flight attendants interrupted to tell him that it was time to go, but it was enough. She sent him a final wave before he disappeared into the plane and she went back to her car. She had Clippers practice but then she got to relax afterwards.

An hour later she made it to practice and was warming up with the rest of the girls. They were all talking but Demi was minding her own business because not only was she exhausted but she also wasn't feeling well. She had been feeling extremely nauseous since she drove back from the airport but she hadn't thrown up. Usually after she threw up she felt better but she couldn't just make herself puke.

"Are you guys ready to start?" Denise, their choreographer questioned. Everyone stood up and watched her do the first few eight counts. But when they started to move, Demi couldn't dance with them. She placed her hand over her stomach and walked to the back of the room.

"Demi, are you-" she shook her head before bolting into the bathroom and emptying out her stomach into the toilet. Everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed to see if she was okay but Demi shooed them off as she continued to throw up. The only person she wanted was her husband but he was on a plane back to Europe.

"Let's take five!" Denise announced, kneeling next to Demi as she continued to throw up. "You're excused for the day. Can you make it home or do you need someone to drive you?"

"I can make it home," she responded as she flushed the toilet and made her way to the sink to wash her mouth out. She tried to figure out what she could've possibly eaten that had upset her stomach but she really hadn't been eating much lately. Not on purpose, but because she just didn't have much of an appetite.

"Make sure you go to the doctors and get yourself checked out. I need a valid doctor's note if you're gonna skip any practices," Denise said as Demi nodded before grabbing her bag and exiting the studio. She didn't want to go back to her lonely apartment and she wasn't sure where she should go to see a doctor. So she decided to go to April's house. It was in her old neighborhood and that was the last place that she wanted to be, but she didn't want to be alone.

"Demi! Sweetie, what are you doing here? I thought you had practice," April said as she ushered her inside. They walked into the kitchen and Demi sat at the counter as April pulled out a pitcher of sweet tea.

"I was but I got really sick and my coach said I have to go to the doctors but I'm just not sure who to go to," Demi explained as April replaced the sweet tea and grabbed a can of sprite instead.

"You can go see my doctor. I'm sure she can check it out. We can get some lunch afterwards," April said, sliding the can over to Demi before grabbing her purse.

"Let me drive sweetie," April insisted when she saw Demi about to climb into the driver's seat of her car. Demi passed her the keys then went to the passenger side.

"So how was Trey's visit? You guys ditched me after the game," April chuckled as Demi sighed and looked out of the window.

"It was okay. I really missed him and I really just want to be with him instead of doing all of this dancing stuff but he won't let me quit," Demi replied.

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