After about 15mins worth of waking we finally reached the apartment complex.
We walked inside the building and went to the elevator, but they have it closed off since our main power source is missing.

"Great.." Jaxon sighed. "Looks like we are gonna have to take the stairs.."

"Wait what?! But us Pink and purple squids live on the top 4 floors!..." I groaned.  Yes the fued between all of us squid kids has also entered the apartment complex. The first floor of for the white, black and gray tentacle squid kids. The 2nd through 5th floor is for the dark and light blue squids, 6th through 9th floor is for the yellow and orange squids. 10th through 13th floor for the green and red squids. And finally the 14th through 17th floor for the pink and purple squids. Joy...

Jaxon stayed back a bit longer to ask the front desk if they are thinking of turning the elevators back on soon. I knew he would probably take a while so I left and started walking up the our apartment... Yes we share... not a big deal gender neutral apartments bro.

While walking through the 1st to 6th floor wasn't that bad. But the 7th floor I heard a noise so I turned my head back to look down the hall while I was walking and when I looked back the first thing I do was slam right into a inkling leaving her apartment causing us both to fall down.

"Hey watch where your going! Ugh.. you pink squids..." She said.

I grew terrified the moment I heard who was speaking. Crawfish.. why me...

"Oh I should have know it was you sailor girl" Maria said standing up and placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry Maria, next time I will watch where I am going.." I said my voice shaking.

Maria just rolled her eyes. "Good, Thanks" She said starting walk away. Wait did she just say thanks? I say on on the floor thinking about something to say, but I was speechless and just let her keep walking. Huh...

I then heard footsteps behind me in the hall. "Oh my squid Lacey are you okay?" Jaxon said rushing over to me and helping me up.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, just a bit confused that's all." I answered truthfully.

"Confused? Confused about what?" He asked concerned and curious.

"It's not important.. let's just get back to our apartments, it might be a big day for us tomorrow. If this whole thing isn't a scam."
I said and then we continued till we finally reached our floor got into our apartments and got rest for whatever is gonna happen tomorrow.

??? POV

I jumped down the manhole to report back to Capt'n Cuttlefish. I've just talked to a few inklings that can somewhat withstand the different color tentacles issue, or so I hope. Squidbeak Splatoon needs more agents now than ever. With the Great Zapfish being gone, the new found power of the octariens and agents 1 and 2 being on a world tour. '3', 'Blue' and I aren't enough to save them like last time.

I landed on my feet after the quick drop through the manhole and started walk to Captain cuttlefish's base. It was much more updated than it was 3 years ago. It actually has technology, which is amazing for Capt'n.  I walked into the base and Capt'n was already there waiting for me.

"Hiya bucko! Did you find anyone that could possibly help us?" Capt'n Cuttlefish asked me.

I sighed. "I talked to people about it... I have no clue if they will actually come though" i said mumbling the last part. Capt'n sighed.

"Are y'all squids still not speaking to other squids of a different ink color?!" Capt'n asked sounding a bit in disbelief.

"Yes Capt'n.." I sighed. "I don't understand why though, it has never been like this.. has it Capt'n?" I asked.

"No it hasn't, back in my youth tentacle colors never even mattered, we where more worried about the rising tides and then the great turf war..." He sighed with a sad expression slowly taking over his normally happy mood.

I sighed. "I'm sorry Capt'n... I wonder what caused everything to change.."

"Same here Bucko.." Capt'n sighed. "Well you should head back to your home and rest Agent Orange. You wanna have some energy for tomorrow when/if we train the new recruits tomorrow."

"Yeah you're probably right Capt'n" I said walking back towards the manhole. "Later Capt'n! See you tomorrow!" I said and jumped down the manhole and headed home. Hopefully tomorrow goes well..

//End of CDBC Chapter 3. Talking\\
3rd chapter finally out! Woohoo!
Anyways I was thinking about doing a character/oc contest since a lot of you guys have ideas for the story and seem to like it. Lemme know if that is something u all would like me to do if ya interested. Okays well I will see ya in the next chapter. Byes! ~Athena

Splatoon: A City Divided by Colors [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin