Ch. 2 Worst Splatfest Ever

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Lacey's POV

The unidentified flying object was finally gone and the shaking finally stopped. Most inklings got knocked over or knocked out due to the wind power of that ufo, aircraft thing.

Its weird for the octarien species to be "dieing out" they seem to be very powerful and strong...

Anyways the inklings that were still standing rushed over to help inklings that lost their balance or the ones that got slammed into a wall. That isn't an exaggeration, I literally got slammed into a wall. Which hurt like heck.. Jaxon was lucky, when he fell he turned into a squid and a other inkling caught him.

I tried to get up off the ground but I didn't get far with out my legs giving out and falling back down with an "Oomph"

"Lacey are you okay?" I hear Jaxon ask quickly walking over and offering his hand to help me up.

I glady excepted and grunted in pain as he helped me up. "I-I think so.." I partially lied looking over my body for bruises or cuts.

"Are you sure? You don't look to good..." Jaxon asked with a concerned look on his face. I mean he wasn't wrong there. From what I could see there was a huge cut on the  back of my right arm and parts of my upper legs were yellow and I am assuming will be black, blue and purple later.

"Y-yeah I'm good" I said while forcing a smile. My legs were still a bit shaky and I had lots of cuts and bruises on them from that wall I slammed into.. But I was still was in better condition than most of the other inklings in the plaza. Jaxon didn't looked convinced but just went a long with it. Then he turned his attention to the battle tower.

"It definitely looks different with the great zapfish gone..." Jaxon sighed.

I remembered the unidentified flying object stole the great Zapfish after being distracted I turned my head to look at the battle tower. 

Jaxon was right. The tower looked so.. empty. The yellow metal forming the tower looked duller. The atmosphere around the plaza was darker. Everything was just, different.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered. "What even was that thing?" I asked staring at the battle tower.

Jaxon looked like he was about to answer or at least respond, but before and words came out the news theme played.

A/N: Remember the Squid Sisters are on tour so the Ink-Zizsters are the ones doing the news cast. Casey has Callie's persona, while Macey has Marie's. TY

*News theme plays*
Macey: "What is it?"
Casey: "Inkopolis's Great Zapfish has been stolen again!!"
Macey: "Wait seriously?!!"
Casey: "Yes seriously! Wait.. if it isn't recovered soon, are we gonna lose power?!"
Macey: "Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine...probably"
Casey: "Well probably isn't a yes.. We suggest that you all try to conserve power"
Macey: "We don't know how long the power we have will last..."
Casey: "If any inklings are hurt, please help them and get them on the next train to uptown inkopolis"
Macey: "The next train leaves in 10 minutes" 
Casey: "That's all for this time, More updates about what happened to the Zapfish will be out soon."
Macey: "And if you are okay, please stay in inkopolis for a bit. There are some inklings that want to ask questions about what happened."
Casey: "Until next time..
Casey and Macey: Keep Fresh~"
Macey: And on guard...
*End of News*

Everyone that was majorly injured were all getting helped to the train station. I know this might sound wrong since many inklings are hurt, but it was nice seeing other inklings help each other out.

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