43) "I was just hoping to give you something to think about."

44) "I can't have you distracting me. My works requires my full attention."

45) "You've been drifting away since last month. What was I supposed to think?"

46) "There's a difference between alone and lonely."

47) "I may be a miracle worker, but this is a little out there."

48) "Might as well paint me on the cover of a romance novel. I can't believe I fell for my best friend."

49) "I was sent to make your life a living nightmare."

50) "You asked for a friend, so that's what I'll be."

51) "I never said I was an expert."

52) "The first thing you need to know about me is that I'm a liar."

53) "Do you need a personal escort out of my life?"

54) "I can arrange the meeting, but what happens next is all on you."

55) "It's best to just prepare for the worst, 'cause if your expectations are low, there's no real chance of being disappointed. Or, well, mostly."

56) "What you didn't know is that I am actually really old."

57) "You're not even trying to hide how disgusted you are that you're stuck with me."

58) "Careful not to disturb them. They're terrifying when they're woken up, even to me."

59) "I guess I didn't want to see what was in front of me the whole time."

60) "I didn't want to prove everyone right, but they were."

61) "You hid something like this from me for years."

62) "I wasn't going to let this just slide."

63) "I don't have a reason for anything, to be honest. It's just for fun."

64) "I was just lost in the heat of the moment."

65) "I'm going for it. It's now or never, right?"

66) "You understand, don't you? Please tell me you do."

67) "The true walk of shame is me coming out of my room with old dishes."

68) "I needed to see you again, at least once. Please grant me this."

69) "Love is a fickle thing and if you're not careful, you could get hurt or you could hurt others."

70) "If you have no business here, get out."

71) "Why are you so surprised all the time?"

72) "Today marks the day I've lost faith in you for the very last time."

73) "Make peace and leave. I don't need any of this."

74) "You're not the only one with hidden depths."

75) "You act like I don't have secrets of my own."

76) "If I'm right about this, you owe me."

77) "I always fulfill my promises. What's with that look? I do!"

78) "I'm surprised it took you this long to figure out it wouldn't work."

79) "How could you just forget?"

80) "I wished for this, so I didn't have to remember."

81) "In the end, you got what you asked for."

82) "It happened some time last year. I'm sorry."

83) "Wait, hold up! A what now?"

84) "Will this help solve all my problems? I'm kind of tempted."

85) "What am I going to tell everyone? I haven't dated in ages."

86) "Surprisingly, I'm down for it. Let's do this."

87) "Oh, excuse me? You dropped your wallet."

88) "Hey, did we go to school together? You look familiar."

89) "You're looking a little lost. Do you need some help?"

90) "I think we have a mutual friend, so I figured I should introduce myself."

91) "I was hoping to find you hanging around here."

92) "I don't know what else I can do to help."

93) "You've taken most of me. What more could you want?"

94) "I guess I owe you now."

95) "Will you use your wish already?"

96) "I'm not as busy as you think and anyways, I always have time to spare when it comes to you."

97) "I can do this myself."

98) "You break any rule you come across."

99) "How are you doing this?"

100) "I gave you so many chances to prove yourself."

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