1900's AUs in America.

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A/N: Historical AUs.... in the history of the USA. Chose your decade.


1) Early 1900s/immigration: person A's family sits with person b's family and they fall in love on the boat over to America and start a business together

2) 1910s: person a and b have to fight in World War I and person a dies in the war and when person b gets back they can't cope

3) 1920s: person a wants to own a speakeasy / be a flapper but person b being extremely overprotective tries to convince them not to so they don't get in trouble

4) 1930s: person a and b lose their house due to the depression and start a revolution to get jobs back

5) 1940s: person a leaves for war leaving person b alone at home and they try to make the most of life hoping person a will be home be Christmas

6) 1950s: person a and b own a diner and they get into ridiculous fights about the dumbest things and end up kissing at the end

7) 1960s/70s: person a is giving into hippie culture and person b won't have it

8) 1990s: person and a and b are real grunge goals and go to a nirvana show and cry when they find our cobain died and go to concerts and are just really cool and goals

9) 2000s: pop punk emo couple everyone is scared of but are really cute and sweet on the inside

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