Drabble prompts.

161 8 5

1. "Don't lick that!"

2. "I swear, my hand slipped onto your boob."

3. "Admit it, you're a dumb idea planner."

4. "Do I look like I want to hitchhike?"

5. "Really? That's why you're calling me from jail?"

6. "I'm not Captain America, God damn it!"

7. "You were totally checking me out."

8. "Do what you want. Plus lots of alcohol."

9. "Keep begging. I like feeling powerful."

10. "Awe, poor baby. Want me to kiss it?"

11. "Do you remember yesterday?"

12. "The things you said... Did you really mean them?"

13. "What! I can barely seduce my clothes onto my body!"

14. "I'll do it if you kiss me first."

15. "I know. And it would be a great plan if it wasn't a stupid one."

16. "Just hump the freaking lamp post and let's go!"

17. "Nope, a dare is a dare."

18. "Was kissing me that bad?"

19. "I didn't ask for my heart to race when you're around."

20. "And you're sure he heard me say I'd eat off his abs?"

21. "You're cute in my clothes."

22. "What's this I hear about you wanting to leave?"

23. "Are you quoting the song sexual healing right now?"

24. "I'd kill for a cup of lemonade."

25. "Then get me an apple juice. Light on the juice, heavy on the martini."

26. "I can't believe you talked me into this."

27. "Run away with me."

28. "Make me then."

29. "You did this on purpose didn't you?"

30. "Why am I waking up in the hospital with a wedding ring on?"

31. "Then kiss me instead."

32. "Get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what's around you."

33. "How do your shirts keep materializing on my bed?,

34. "Put some clothes on!"

35. "Not on my good carpet!"

36. "Stand in the corner and think about what you've done."

37. "I hate you."

38. "Newsflash Sherlock, I like you!"

39. "Don't beat me up than ask for a date."

40. "That's a firm grip you've got on my butt there... Why?"

41. "Twinkle twinkle little star, my friend here is a douche bag."

42. "Does it taste like strawberries?"

43. "Please don't hurt me."

44. "All I wanted was a chance to love you."

45. "Oh, so now this is my fault? You got us in this mess!"

46. "That is highly inappropriate. Let's do it."

47. "I won't let that happen. Not again."

48. "I think you're beautiful, if that counts for anything."

49. "God, you'll never change, will you?"

50. "Did you really think I didn't know?"

51. "Haha, no, I'm getting my revenge."

52. "I wasn't being funny. I would have put a 'haha' at the end."

53. "You're so freaking oblivious and I hate it and love it at the same time."

54. "I just need someone to make out with my and run their hands through my hair."

55. "Bite me, jerk off."

56. "You are the most adorable thing."

57. "Yes, I'm absolutely serious."

58. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

59. "You better not die. This isn't funny."

60. "You... You broke my heart."

61. "Stay, just for a little."

62. "I've always wanted to do that."

63. "Either that, or you're trying to kiss me."

64. "Close your mouth, it's watering."

65. "Please. Don't make me say it."

66. "Kisses mend stitches, now get over here."

67. "Just sit back and watch the master."

68. "Hey! My boobs are down here, eyes off my eyes."

69. "Say it. I'm too what?"

70. "You um, you live around here?"

71. "Don't back out on the challenge now. Where's the fun in that?"

72. "I expected more, but it's okay. We'll make do with what we got."

73. "I don't want to think about them or my problems for at least a week."

74. "I'm asking for a little more time. Please?"

75. "I can feel your dirty sneer from across the room. Chill."

76. "Well, I hate to inform you, but I have no idea how this works."

77. "You weren't honestly relying on me for everything, were you?"

78. "This is the worst thing you've ever tried to do. You're going to get hurt."

79. "This is definitely not where I wanted to end up."

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