The Girl Standing

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Beep beep beep beep.

The Alarm clock rings.

"Ahhh! Hell. I want some sleep"
.I said to myself.

"Honey wake up the break fast is ready". My mum said to me.

"Your getting late for school".

"Shit! I forgot today is julie birthday".

I jump off from my bed and run to my closet. I open it and pick my gift for Julie. I then pick baggy brown shirt and tight black jeans. I ran to bathroom,  brush my teeth and started to take bath. 15 mins later I was ready to eat my breakfast. When i was finished eating. I rant to my bag and pick it up. I then kiss mom and dad on cheek ,say good bye and ran to bus.

Thank God! It was waiting for me. I am the first person the bus driver take. It was 7:00 am and i was sitting and scrolling something on my phone. The bus driver took others and drop us infront off school. It was 7:30 now. I greet and meet my friends and talk about last night. I was researching about urban legends. They think its kinda cool (you know).

The bell rang and we went to our class.Well i am 16 so I am in class 10. I was sitting with my Bff Julie and was talking about her birthday party. The teacher then came we greeted him and sit down on our chairs. The class started.

At launch i waited for friends to come on our canteen table. But i saw something strange then. It was girl, a little one. She was weird looking girl, i think she was new. She was weird because of her dressing, face and specialy eyes. She was on a table with other childrens but was quite and staring me. Her eyes send chills on my spine. Her eyes was was Deep black and was full with anger and pain.

Suddenly voices started, they all were crying,screaming from pain and calling me for help. I look around me everyone was happy and talking with eachother than how on earth these voices are coming from. They were too loud to handle. I put my hands over my ears. The girl was still staring at me until my 2nd Bff Alex came infront of me. I desperately pushed him away from me an started to search for the weird girl. The voices were kept screaming and callling me. She was not there. I started to see around me but she was not here. How could it be. I was shoked. I stang up to search for her but i fell down. The last thing i remmember was my friends calling my name. Alex and Julie were worried for me. I see them running towards me but it started to dark and i was complete paralyzed to say something or just stand up.

I woke up in my room. My dad was next to me and my mum was on my bed holding my hand. I open my eyes and give her  best smile of mine. She was crying. She yelled to my father and said" Hey Jhon, Ariyana is awake". My dad jump up and come close to me" How are you feeling?". Said dad with a weak smile." I am feeling good. Thanks"." Oh! God thank you so much". Mum said.
"See, I was saying that are baby is strong'. Said dad rubbing his eyes cause he was crying too. I didn't get it. Why were they soo serius about me. I know it happened to me for the first time but it was not that thing for serius." Mom, dad  am okey. Why you two are so serius" . I said while my brother came in. He kissed me on for head and gave me the card of get well soon and ran out of the room. He was so shy and I love him so much. He is so cute and adorable. His name is David and he is 10 years old.Okey when he left the room my dad started to say"This type of  thing never happened to you. What happened to you?"    
"Oh! Its not that, I feel dizzy and fall on the floor. Its nothing to worry about am fully okey". I said to them.

"You were sleeping for 2 days. Dear".

"Dont take it serius". I said to them.

" Okey! Sweet heart take some more rest than you friends will come and see you and don't forget to take madecines its on your side table." Said mum and smile.

They leave the room. I lay down and close my eyes and started to think about that day. Why I lied to them because the would think that am carzy and i don't want them to think this. After 10 mins my friends were in my house.
Knock,knock. It was knock on the door and all my friends brust in. Happy and full of joy. "Hey darling, how are you?" Julie said." We were worried about you" The rest of my friends greeted to me and talk about other things. When they were done they left me with my bestees." "

"What happene too you Ariyana?" Said Alex.

" I  see a girl. She was strange" . I started to tell them about what i see.

" Strange. I think your mind  take to serius about  urban legends thing "Said Julie.

"Yeah, she is right". Alex said.   
Oh i forget to give her my present. I sit up and open up my side table drawer and I know mum put it for me.

"Here is your birthday present" . I throw it to her. She opened it and started to scream happily.

" Omg! Thank you so much Ali. You give me justin bieber concert ticket and booked special seat for . I love you". She jump upon me and kiss me then she started to dance, happy dance. When she cool down, We then return to topic.

"Don't take it serius. Its just a day dream". Alex said and we started to talk about other things. They then left me alone in my room around 11:30 o'clock.

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