Chapter Seven: I'll Take The Blame

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Jamie's P.O.V.

Do you ever feel like everything is your fault?

"Jamie! Get in here!" Mason's voice boomed from the living room.

Everything that has gone wrong was entirely your fault?

"What? What? What is it, Mase?" I approached him with caution.

You didn't know how or why, you just felt like you were the one to blame.

Mason looked at me with rage in his eyes, his fist was balled tightly. He was reading over some paper he grabbed from our mailbox, I stood a few feet away not knowing his thoughts or actions, you can bet that I was absolutely terrified.

And you tried so hard to fix it.

"I thought I told you to stop working for this fucking hockey team." Mason waved the paper in his hand.

It was my paycheck from the Blackhawks organization.

You just wanted to stop feeling the heaviness of the world on your chest, you wanted the feeling of being blamed for everything to just disappear.

"Mason that's my job, that's where I want to work, that's how we're living." I said to him with loving eyes.

But every time you tried, it just didn't work, nothing worked. It failed all the time.

"Oh, so apparently I don't support you? And my job is shit and I don't make any money? I'm sorry is this a women's only world?" Mason walked up to me, his jaw clenched tightly.

"No, babe I didn't mean it like that." I tried defending myself in a way so he wouldn't get mad.

You failed all the time.

Mason then ripped my paycheck right in front of my face three times and threw the pieces onto the floor, I fought back tears as I looked him in the eyes.

"Clean it up." He demanded angrily.

I knelt down on one knee and picked up the tiny pieces of paper, my hopes and dreams are being thrown away because I love him so much.

"I'm so sick of this.." I muttered under my breath, hoping Mason didn't hear.

But I was so wrong.

"Sick of what? Huh, Jamie?" Mason grabbed my arm tightly and brought me to stand. "Are you sick of us?"

"I'm sick of you treating me like a fucking dog!" I yelled in his face.

Mason's hand struck my face with a smack that was sure enough to leave a print or a scar.

It stung, it hurt, it was only a simple mistake.

"You wanna be treated like a dog? I'll treat you like a fucking dog."

He pushed me down onto the hardwood floor where a loud thud could be heard from a mile away, Mason gave a good kick to my gut knocking the wind out of me, I gasped for air as I squeezed my eyes shut with tears rolling down on both sides of my face. Mason bent down, grabbed a fist full of my hair with one hand and wiped the tears with the other.

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