Chapter Four: Trust Issues

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A/N: sorry for the delay of things! My other cousin is getting married this august and we are going crazy planning things so writing is being pushed to the back burner for me, I'm gonna try and get a lot of chapters out for this and unexpected. Thank you all for reading and understanding!

Warning: this chapter contains some smut.

Also please vote for this story for the 2016 Watty awards!

Jamie's P.O.V.

As November started the days were getting shorter, the nights were getting colder, and my patience with Kane is wearing thin. After the Halloween party, Mason and I had a very heated argument because he thinks I'm sneaking around with Kane which isn't true.

"If I see you hanging around that asshole I swear to God I'm gonna fucking kill him and I'm leaving your ass."

Is Mason not aware that I work with him? Sometimes he can be a complete idiot, he may not be the perfect boyfriend but he's perfect for me.

I sat in biology writing down notes before my professor could erase anything off the board, class was only a few minutes away from being over and I wanted to make sure I wrote everything down to study later.

"Psst, Jamie." Chrissy who sits next me whispered.


"Do you really work with the Chicago Blackhawks?"

Just as I was about to the answer the bell rang and everyone started packing up.

"Uh, yeah," I responded a little louder. "I'm physical trainer there. I'm actually getting ready to head over there now."

"Wow, that's so cool. So do you like go to games for free?"

"Well technically, since I'm part of the training staff I have to be there to help them warmup and exercise."

"Are you like best friends with the whole team?"

"I wouldn't say best friends, but the team and I get along pretty well."

"Okay one more question and I'll leave you alone." Chrissy chuckled.

"Go for it." I smiled at her.

"Is it true that you and Patrick Kane hooked up?"

"What?" I asked, confused. "Where did you hear that from?"

"Brianna's going around telling the whole campus."

My smile fell as a disgusted look washed over my face, I couldn't believe Brianna was going around spreading these horrible rumors.

"I'll see you around, Chrissy. Take care."

I grabbed my things and went searching for Brianna.

Out of everyone in the world, why did it have to be Patrick Kane?

After what seemed like a life time searching, I finally found Brianna outside of the boys' locker room talking to Tommy and Todd Warwick, the twins who were on the school's football team.

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