My Beloved Pika,

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"The snow is getting thicker." I looked out. I can hear Jack's laughters echoed all throughout the town as the chilly winds howled. "Has it not been several years already that I reside in a country near the North Pole? Why am I still about it? Why cannot I escape from this seasonal emotions? Fuck this feelings! It ruins everything."

It does eh?

"I'm sorry. Please don't mind me. I am fucking annoying, aren't I?" I slumped myself under the duvet. "This is my port from here to here. I declare this a zero zone." I had wrecked too many hearts, have I not?


Home had came out often in thoughts and conversations when the first snow in the twelfth month of the year started. It is seeping my soul dry. Six hours or more of human exposure can become quite a craving; a vice that might possibly be the cause of death of me who is fated to be an isle.

"How legit is an online communication?" I would not have brought out this question to the universe if it were not for my physical engagement. I am destined to be "who fucking who cares about".

~ fin ~

My Beloved Pika IIIDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora