My Beloved Pika,

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I made someone cry today. "Why?" I am not used to have someone primarily be nice to me. I have my trust misused. Since then I have always been in doubt. My kindess have been deceived. My heart shattered countless times.

My psychopathy is endless. "It is this why people leave you!" I have been told. There must be something definitely wrong with me. "Say you changed? Right now, this! You're mad!" The person flee.

I am definitely some kind of something. Ask anyone around. I am brutal wth my words. The tone of my statements pierced through every single cell of you if you let me be. I am a shipwrecked.

I am just a bun in distress.

Come on! This is supposed to be the part you should laugh. Chuckle. Even a grin. A giggle.
"No. No. No, Rie.

"You've met a stubborn one here." He said. "Defiant, I say." "Does it feel comforting?" He asked. "What?" I answered. "... That  you can show your true you." "He will get tired of me. I can be frustrating to deal with to the point one will end up mentally incapacitated." I looked at the dumpster. "Unbelievable! I see." He nodded his head. "What!" "I just discovered what your inner core desires of." "Yeah and rotten is not something new." "You know that is not what I mean but it is not debatable because you are very much aware of it."

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