Mel's wifey: Hey she's at the hair salon now and with all that hair she has its going to be a while.

Kimchi: Ok I'm on my way now. Did you get the ring yet?

Mel's wifey: Nah, but I'm on my way to get it now. Thanks for helping me though.

Kimchi: No problem. Anything to make my bestie happy and she's never been happier.

Mel's wifey: Ok and I'll pick her up from the house so you can drop her off there or stay if you feel.

Kimchi: Otay see you later.

Mel's wifey: K.

I pull up to the jewelers and walk inside. The guy instantly recognized me because I always come here to get Mel and my gran their jewelry. They had good quality product and let's just say the owner has come through my workplace many a times and I might have helped him a few. I ordered the ring a week in advance because it's a connecting ring. She'll get one half today and then the other half when we get married and they'll connect into one shape when they're together. I get it making sure it right and walk out the store. Ok ring check next is my hair appointment. I was getting faux locks. I'm a lazy bum who didn't like keeping up with her hair what can I say. I would cut it but I did that before and it just wasn't the same.

Two hours later I was done and was on my way to Gran's house. I went there for a while and talked to her. It was our usual conversation of how I was doing, how she was doing, how was Mel doing, other life talk and it always led too her telling me about how I should get another job and to be safe. Then the normal tell "Capri and Ray I love them" stuff. Ray was like the brother we never had. Yea he was Pri's friend first but we all started hanging out and gran already considered him family so that's that story. I get into the car and head to the studio. I do what I had to do there and went home to get dressed. I showered and put on some white jeans and a white polo with a gold metallic blazer. I go to my closet and pull out my gold Vlados and put them on. (I have a pair of these and I swear when I say I love those shoes I fuckin do.) I head in my car over to the restaurant and all I had to do was wait. About 30 minutes later an all white limo pulled up and stopped in front of me. The driver opened the door and out stepped Mel. She had on a white dress with metallic gold pumps and gold jewelry. She had her contacts in and only had on some nude lip gloss. Her hair was pressed and had beach waves in them. She looked so pretty I could stare at her for days. I can't believe that I'm really asking her to marry me. She walks over to me and we walk into the restaurant hand in hand.

After dinner, I looked and the jog over to my car. After getting the car I got out helping her in and then we drove to the beach. During the ride there someone kept texting her and she looked worried and scared. I brushed it off and continued on to the beach. We took off our shoes and walked in the sand. We got to one part of the beach and I reached in my back pocket making sure the ring was still there. It was and we walked towards the light. It was a band there playing her favorite song, Safe With Me by Sam Smith. In front of us was Melissa spelled out in rose petals on the sand. I pull out the ring box and get behind her. Once the song is over she claps and I get on one knee. She turns around and looks at me before putting her hands over her face. "Melissa I've known you since freshman year of high school. You were the only girl who I ever saw who stood out. You may have had a girlfriend then but I was determined to make you mine. We became best friends and you were always there when I needed you and vice versa. You knew my situation and didn't judge me for that. All those other girls didn't see me as anything other than the daughter of a kingpin or the sister of a kingpin or dangerous. When we started to date in 10th grade I knew you were the one. I don't know why I waited this long to propose but I'm doing something that I should have did a long time ago. It was then I realized that I didn't want to spend my life with anyone else. That you were the one who I wanted to have children with and grow old with. That you are the love of my life. You put up with my craziness and know that I do fuck up frequently over small shit but you looked past my problems and accepted me without trying to change me. Even if you don't say yes I hope you know that I love you and would die for you any day of the year. So with all that being said, Mel will you marry me?" My eyes were locked into hers the whole time and she was pouring out tears. "Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes!" she said as I jumped up and picked her up spinning her around. I put the ring on her finger and the band behind us along with a photographer all clapping.

We get in the car and head home. As soon as I closed the door she pounced on me. I picked her up and carried her to the bed room. Let's just say that we stayed up for a good portion of the night making love all over the bedroom. That night I had a dream about how our wedding would go and how our future would play out. When I woke up the next morning she wasn't in bed. I got up and looked all over for her. She was nowhere to be found. I texted Kimmi and she said she hadn't heard anything from her. All I know is that her car and phone were gone and I had no idea where to find her. I sat in my bed and cried for days. I told Capri and Ray that we broke up and that she had said some disrespectful things about my parents so they wouldn't question me. I just need to find her by myself.


"Ever since I've been looking for her and have had no luck," I say full blown tears rushing down my face Capri gave me a hug and Ray just rubbed my back. "I just miss her so much. I don't even know if she left or was taken. I should have put a tracker on her phone so I would know she's ok. She could be dead for all I know." I say crying hysterically. "It's going to be ok baby sis we'll find her. You should have told us Jimmy could have helped you find her," Capri stated still in the hug. She had a point and I would at least know if she's ok. I'm going to talk to Jimmy tomorrow and we're going to find her. If I have to kill a thousand people to do it then so be it but nothing will keep me away from my baby any longer. Mel its time for you to come home.


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