Life Goes On

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Chapter one


"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

Robert Frost stated those exact words and I've found them to be true. With everything that my friends and I have been through it would have been easy to give up, to let our lives crumble into piles of absolutely nothing. Yet, just like Robert Frost said, life goes on. Through the years I've learned that life is unpredictable, you really never know what's waiting for you around a corner. But, whatever is there, you have to be ready face it head on and then continue with your life after. 

I would be lying if I said there weren't times where I wanted to give up and if I didn't have the people around me that I have, well, I probably would have done just that. The support system that all of us have within our small group is much more than I ever thought was possible, there isn't a doubt in my mind that I would lay my life on the line for anyone one of my friends. 

Yes, I had already done that once before, but I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. 

Time had passed, six months to be exact, and with the time came a lot of healing. Not just healing from losing others, but healing from past things that still had open wounds from so long ago. Senior year was approaching head on and I speak for all of us when I say that we're going to make this the best year we possibly can. 

Heading into Senior year brings along so many new things such as looking for colleges and attempting to figure out what to do in the next phase of your life. As much as I would like to think my senior year would be full of all the normal student things, deep down I know I'm anything but normal and I have no idea what will be added into the stress of school. But, for right now, watching Stiles attempt to plan out our lives for after graduation seemed pretty normal, and amusing, to me. 

"You know, I thought about coming back for Senior year but–"

"Oh, whatever, Jackson." I muttered while placing a few unused chains into the back of the Roscoe, a chuckle came from his end of the phone call. "You love London too much to come back." 

"You know I just don't think it's a good idea." He stated, just like always. "I just–what?...hold on, Autumn." My brow furrowed in confusion but the phone remained up to my ear, "Autumn!" 

A completely different voice filled my eardrum, "Isaac?" 

"Miss me?" 

A small laugh slipped from my lips, "Of course. Especially since you up and left randomly after your last visit without a proper goodbye. Still mad at you for that by the way." 

"I left a voicemail explaining that Jackhole over here needed my help with something and I had to go. Blame him, not me." 

I could faintly hear Jackson defending himself in the background, "You blame a lot on Jackson." I glanced over at Stiles and Scott as they both sat in silence, Stiles busy circling various things on a map and Scott was sitting on the hood of the jeep just gazing at the city below us. "Of course, who doesn't?" 

"See!" Isaac laughed, "Don't worry, I'll be back to vis–" 

"We'll both be back to visit."  Jackson had stolen the phone back from Isaac, "I promise." 

"Babe, come over here real quick." Stiles called from where he was standing in front of the jeep. 

"Okay, hold on a sec." I replied before putting the phone back up to my ear, "I gotta go but I'll talk to you guys soon, okay?" 

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