Everything gets better... a little

Start from the beginning

Turning back to my work, all I saw was a plain light blue dress with a small ruffle at the bottom of it. It didn't even match Brenda's sketch, it was like Brenda's sketch was the mom and mine was the baby. I gulped, I wanted to throw my sketch away so badly, but I knew once Mrs.Poula accepted it there was no way she was going to let me waste my time redrawing another one.

I continued cutting, I cut fast and messed up a couple times. I didn't want to be at the cutters with Brenda. I knew she was just going to make me feel bad and say really mean things to me. Thanks to my luck, I finished cutting just as she was approaching the cutter. I was back at my desk just as she reached the cutter.

"Five more minutes class! Or as the french would say Cinqminutesplus de classe. Repeat." Mrs.Poula said.

"Cinqminutesplus de classe." We repeated without looking up from our work.

This was like a french class and a design class rolled up into one. Were always learning new french words and stuff.

I looked at my sketch and started stitching the sides. I wasn't going to stitch it the was she liked it beacause I found it harder and I didn't have time to waste. My moms birthday was in a week and I needed to finish the dress so that I could ship it off toher immediatly.

The five minutes seemed to be ticking by really fast. Pretty soon we learned the word nettoyer which means clean up. I quickly took my dress on the manican and put it in my bag. I was going to work on the dress at the estate. Brenda was staring at me and my dress for a couple minutes before she returned back to hers and talking to her florentine fiends.

"Bowling? today, I'd love to go." I heard her say.

"It's a florentine tradition, everytime we get a new member we go bowling to welcome them." A florentine boy named Larry explained.

"Sounds fun." She told him.

I rolled my eyes and slung my bag over my shoulder. I didn't care where the florenines were going or why they were going there. I couldn't even follow half their conversations sense they used the words sheek a lot. They mostly went out to fancy stuff and did fancythings that their parents payed for.

I walked down the hall toward my locker. I kept forgetting to put my backpack in there during the day. I don't even know how I could have possibly forgotten that sense I passed by my ocker all the time throughout the day. I opened it and pulled out my history textbook. I had to study, some people were talking about a pop quiz that we were having the next day and I wanted to be prepared for it.

Walking toward the exit Josh ran up and started walking next to me. A huge smile was on his face, I wondered what had happened to make him all smiley.

"What's up?' I asked.

"Oh, nothing. Your just looking at a guy to aced his math test!" He answered showing me a test paper with a big A++ on it.

"OMG! That's great!" I said giving him a big hug.

If it was me I would have gotten a F--, I sucked at math and that was a fact. I couldn't do a math problem correctly if my life depended on it. Math just looked like a big blob of symbols and letters to me.

"Tonight we celebrate!" He joked.

"Laser tag!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me as if I had said the dumbest thing ever, I didn't think it was dumb sense I've never in my life played laser tag. Josh had probably played laser tag before, lucky bugger.

"What?" I demanded.

"Nothing, just I was thinking pizza and a movie." He replied smiling.

'That's not a celibration young mister. Let that master of celebrations teach you." I told him.

"Teach away Master Brittney." He teased.

I rolled my eyes and we ran to the estate to get ready for laser tag. Nobody was home when we got there so we did some practicingI was hising behid the couch looking out of Obiwan Josh, when he jumped up from behing me and shot me with his laser remote control.

"I've been hit! Tell my mom I loveher!" I shrieked brfore falling to the floor and fake dying.

Next thing I heard was the door unlock and the others laughing. I looked up and sure enough everyone was home. I smiled and rolled onto my stomach and pushed fff theground.

"What's going on here?" Susan asked amused.

I looked at Josh and he looked at me, then we answered together, "House laser tag!" Then we started pretending to shoot lasers out of our remote controls.

"You guys are crazy, how about we go to a real laser tag aréna." Susan suggested.

"Even better!" We shouted and started running toward our rooms.

Everything was getting better for me and I was happy.

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