Chapter 9

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Castiel woke up to a phone ringing obnoxiously loud and nobody seeming to go answer it. He could understand that, it was 3am after all. Still, he got up groggily and hurried out of his room to answer the phone.

"Hello, Mills household here. How can I help you?" He greeted with a yawn and rubbed over his eyes, not completely awake yet. He didn't want to shout at the person who had called yet, he had to stay calm. Maybe it was something important that couldn't wait until a time that wasn't as ungodly as this was.

"Cas? Oh my god." He heard a sob and he froze completely. He knew this voice. He hadn't heard it in quite some time but it was good to hear it again. He had missed that voice, it was like a warm hug and it was so comforting.

"Dean! Where are you? Are you okay?"He asked quickly and walked over to Jody's bedroom, walking in without even knocking. He shook his foster mother's shoulder to wake her up and put the phone on speaker as the woman looked at him in confusion. He just motioned her to listen and swallowed, feeling the tears building.

He heard a soft cough that didn't sound all too good and a disgusted sneer. "Keep your bacteria to yourself, you goddamn failure!" That voice was colder, deeper than Dean's, probably his father's, and suddenly Jody's eyes widened in realization. She quickly woke up her husband and told him to get Sam and then call the police as quietly as possible, her gaze staying on Cas and watching him thoughtfully.

"I don't know where I am, Cas. I just... I don't think I'll make it much longer, you know? They.. They allowed me to call you guys one last time to.. to say goodbye, I guess." Cas whimpered quietly at how broken, how tired, how done Dean sounded. It just sounded like Dean had come to terms with dying, like he had given up on being found and being helped. Given, it had been months and they still didn't know anything about Dean's whereabouts but they hadn't given up and neither should Dean. Still, it had to be way worse for Dean.

"Don't say that, Dean. You're gonna be fine, alright? We'll find you and you'll be fine and we'll go on dates and watch movies. We still have to watch the next season of Doctor Sexy, don't we? And there is this Disney movie we wanted to watch." Cas sobbed quietly and curled up, leaning back slightly as Jody wrapped her arms around him.

They didn't hear when Sam had come into the room but he curled up next to them, too, and rested his head against Castiel's shoulder. "You have to come back, De. You promised me you would be there when I graduated, you promised me to be my best man at my wedding. Who's gonna do all that for me when you're not around any more?"

A soft gasp was heard and then a smack. Dean whimpered almost inaudibly and Cas's blood started to boil. "We will find you, Winchester! How could you do that? He is your son!"He growled and glared at the phone between them, just wanted to pull John Winchester through the phone and punch him.

They heard a cold laugh and Sam curled up closer to Cas, obviously knowing that laugh. Cas didn't have to know the owner of that voice to know who laughed like that. "Oh, shut up, you stupid brat. That faggot had it coming for a long time, it's for the best if we end this here. Any last words for your brother or your boyfriend?"

Cas swallowed and closed his eyes, too scared of what was going to come. Still, he had to listen, didn't he? This was just so important.

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