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Diagon Ally. Why Hermione had thought the crowded cobblestone alley would be a good idea eluded her the moment she had her feet firmly planted on the damp ground. Sure there were people all around, and that took the loneliness away momentarily; Until she looked at the hoard, really looked at them. Smiling children,Mothers and wives at every store front loading up with gifts for their husbands and loved ones.
It did nothing to stifle her all too real truth. She has no loved ones.

The truth sat heavy on her chest and a fire built in her lungs. No mother. No father. No children. No one. Sure she and Draco would exchange something of a gift. A card, or perhaps a small token that neither one really wants or likes but they'll smile politely at each other and reassure the other that it's a perfect gift,  "It's exactly what I wanted."  they'll say before making an excuse to leave.

Hermione,feeling increasingly overwhelmed by her current situation made a bee line to the closest store, a small book shop. Inside, the shelves were small and overfull. The wizard at the desk was old, asleep, possibly dead Hermione couldn't be sure but it did appear as though nobody had come in for quiet some time. It was quiet, the ruckus outside now just a dull hum.

Hermione turned her attention to the titles on the spines lining the closest shelf.

The Lion, The witch and The Wardrobe

Alice in Wonderland

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Hermione moved further into the store, noticing that all the books filling the small, dusty shelves were all Muggle stories. She paced a few more rows; absorbing the familiarity of the books and the warm memories they brought back of her childhood. Memories of her mother and father reading to her before bed. Summer afternoons spent by the old oak tree while listening to her mother recite E E Cummings.

She allowed herself to dabble in those few fond memories, her mind wandering and her eyes closed, a small smile graced her lips;  The first in a long time.

"Hermione?" The feminine voice pulling her from her fantasy.

Hermione snapped her eyes open, immediately bringing them to rest  on the aged face of the youngest Weasley. "Ginny" she acknowledged, her hands immediately moving to straighten out her rumpled sweat shirt and jeans. "Long time no see" She added weakly, her gaze adverting to the exit over the redheads shoulder.

Ginny half smiled, "I'll say. Harry and the kids really miss you. We were hoping we might have seen you at the Ministers Yule Gala last week..." She trailed off, her eyes roaming the shelf beside them.  

"Right, the Gala. I- W-we. I was going to go but I just wasn't feeling up to it." Hermione stuttered. What had she become that she was now a stuttering skittish mess, always seeking an exit. When did she become like this?


I don't know who I am anymore.


I don't like who I am becoming.

Ginny looked up, apologetically. No words but Hermione knew  what she was saying.

So sorry. You must be devastated .

Hermione pulled the sleeve of her worn pink sweat shirt past her bony hand, "Draco was there though." She offered .

"Hmm, Yes. Now that you mention it I think I recall seeing him once or twice throughout the evening." Ginny commented, her long going, deeply rooted dislike for Draco evident by the way her nose crumpled at the mere mention of his name. "Are you and he still together? Everything is going okay?" She added, in a forced friendlier tone.

Both witches stood silent for a moment. Both knowing the answer and both wishing it were different.


Isolation. So much isolation.

"Well" Ginny spoke, breaking the progressing silence, "I'd better go. It doesn't look like they have to story book I'm after." She shrugged, her eyes quickly sweeping the empty store. "It was nice seeing you again Hermione." She finished before all but running from the store and out on to the streets leaving Hermione alone in the shop once more.

Their interaction playing over and over  in her head.


My friends don't even know who I am anymore.


What friends?

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