Twenty Six

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Do you ever try to explain something to someone, but they are either not getting it or they are in some sort of denial state? That is exactly what it's like trying to convince Sharon that her boss is a murderer. Of course it is hard to process, but come on.

"So you're saying that Raymond... made a fake dating profile, killed your best friend, then you showed up and took the blame, and your boyfriend was there watching the whole thing because he was following Raymond who is his uncle, and-"

"Yes!" both Lawrence and I yell.

"Jesus woman! Take a breath between analyses!" I scream.

"I'm just trying to make sense of everything."

"Sharon," I press, "you know, full well that I don't lie, well... at least not to you." Deafening silence is all that comes from the other end of the call. It frightens me. Silence is a rare when it comes to Sharon.

I've only ever seen Sharon silent once. I had only been in the center for a good three weeks and Sharon was just getting to the point where she trusted me completely. She was gone one day. None of the other officers would tell me where she was, so I was left worrying for a day. Thankfully, she had returned the following day, a look of sorrow on her face. I repeatedly asked her why she was being closed off.

She never answered.

At least at first.

Soon enough, she began to be her normal self again. She later informed me of her mother's passing. That was it. That was the one time I had ever her silence from Sharon Grey.

"Serendipity Hampton I swear to the Lord and savior himself, if you are lying about any of this, I would have to..."

"I know, Sharon. I know."


We are meeting up with Sharon a ways away from the center. If this plan is going to work, we have to do it sooner than later. I feel almost numb as I sit behind Lawrence on his motorcycle.

What if the plan fails? What if I can never bring justice to Amy and clarity to everyone who loves her?

My thoughts are being thrown from left to right and I can't even tell what words are anymore. Amy is my best friend. Always has been, always will be. I don't at least get Sam behind bars, I don't think I could live with myself another day.

I'm worried about Lawrence, too. This is his uncle we are dealing with. He grew up with this man. Sam is part of the only family that Lawrence has left.

Family... I hate that word. Thinking about it now, it's been a while since that fight I had with my dad.

You're a disappointment.

His voice scratches into my head. The man who I thought would love me unconditionally until the end of his days, let me down when I needed him most.

I needed him...

He just was... gone. Gone with the wind that whips my hair in wild directions. Gone... Gone... Gone.

"Ser." I hear Lawrence's voice break through my thoughts like a tidal wave, and suddenly I can't breathe. I feel the world crashing in around me. The trees fall, the sky cracks.

I'm lost in a sea of my own misery.

"Ser! What the hell is wrong with you?" Lawrence's voice is distant; wobbly like he's talking under water.

That's funny... why does my throat hurt?

"Ser, hey, baby, it's me."

Who are you?

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