Sunday, October 23rd 2009

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I woke up this morning at 9:00am and suddenly blacked out. All I remember is seeing a black blur walk up to me with something big in hand. After that, there was nothing. I woke up at 12:00pm and I was looking around. I could barely hear. All I heard was muffled screaming and muttering. I looked at Emeline, seeing her holding her head, almost like she was worried. My ears felt like they unplugged themselves. I could hear! I asked,"What happened?" "Something very bad has happened. Mr. Suinner found you. He's the one who has been trying to find the chosen one, you, he's trying to get you arrested, better yet, kill you. He believes he has the power, he won't let anyone else have it. We must evacuate Chicago, maybe even better, Illinois. We should just leave the United States of America and move to Spain. Change our names and identities. Become flamingo dancers. Pretend we don't know Mr. Suinner exists. Sounds good?" Emeline said, completely focused on immigrating. Not realizing how hard all of that would be. I replied,"Emeline, that process would take years. I just have to face Mr. Suinner. How bad can he be? I can handle him." Emeline said,"Isabelle Gienji, do NOT ever say 'how bad can Mr. Suinner be?' That man is furious, determined, and very dangerous. Understand?" "Yes Emeline." I said sadly. "Aww. Cheer up Izzy! We can practice using your powers. Before that, we need to go over when it's appropriate to use them. No hard feelings. Okay?" Emeline told me. "Okay!" I said, sitting on my bed, ready to learn. She taught me I shouldn't use them for fun, friends, fame, or evil. Then I started practicing. Emeline applauded. She said,"You're a pro at this!!!" I took a bow and I felt good. The sweet feel of success! It was 7:00pm so I decided to make dinner. I just had some Greek yogurt and cereal. Emeline wasn't hungry. I was really tired so at 9:00pm I went to sleep.

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