Friday, October 21st 2009

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"Hey guys. Whatcha up to?" I said to Tommie and Thomas. Tommie excitedly replied, " Hi Isabelle! We were just setting up a board game, in case if you wanted to play." I said," That sounds like my cup of tea! Speaking of which, do you have any apple cinnamon tea bags? I'll make you guys a hot chocolate too." " Sounds great!!! We have some tea bags in the cupboard above the stove top. You can see what we have." Thomas said while walking over to the kitchen. I soon followed, carrying his 6 year old brother, Tommie. "Is it okay if I use the last apple cinnamon yes bag? I know it's your mother's favourite too." I asked. Tommie said," Yes, yes. It's fine if you use it. On her way home she's going to pick up another box." "If you say so! Okay boys, how many marshmallows?" I asked, putting the tea bag in the white and blue mug. "Twenty-two!" Shouted Tommie, for he had a huge sweet tooth. More like a sweet molar! "Six please." Quietly said Thomas. After enjoying a warm cup of cocoa and twelve rounds of chutes and ladders, I asked," What do you guys want for dinner?" They both said," Macaroni and cheese!" "Okay then macaroni and cheese it is!" It was 7:45pm and we had just finished dinner. I said," Go get your pyjamas on and get ready for story time. Thomas, you pick tonight." "Yes sir!!!" They shouted in unison, marching like soldiers. I laughed. From Thomas' room, they yelled slightly out of sync," We're ready Isabelle!!!" I marched up the stairs and saluted them at the door. They giggled. Thomas handed me the book he chose. It was titled ' The Mermaids of Atlantis' I read them the story and by the time we finished, it was 9:00pm. I asked," Who was your favourite character? Mine was Emeline." " Mine too!" They exclaimed in unison. I slammed the cover down and put the book away. " Tommie, Thomas, brush your teeth. Once you're done, get in bed and I'll say goodnight." They marched off into the bathroom. At 9:15pm, I put them to sleep and by 9:25pm they were fast asleep. Finally some alone time! At 10:00pm I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door only to find a big tank the size of a small car under a tarp... I lifted the top off and saw a MERMAID swimming around! It looked familiar. Too familiar... I said,"Hello? I'm Isabelle. Who are you? Do you speak English?" "Umm... I speak English. I'm Emeline." "Wait a second..." I whispered to myself. "Where did you come from?" I asked suspiciously. "I'm from Atlantis." She replied. I tiptoed upstairs and grabbed the book ' The Mermaids of Atlantis' I flipped to the page that had a picture of Emeline. "What? I don't understand..." I whispered. I tiptoed down the stairs with the book held tight in my arms. I compared Emeline to the picture. Identical. Same eyes, same blue tail, same golden hair, same mocha skin. It was her. But how? I asked while showing her the picture,"Is this you?" "Yes, but how do you have that picture?" Emeline asked, completely confused. "It's in Thomas' story book. We bought it together at Magical Tales Limited." I said. "Your name is Isabelle, right? If so, I've heard quite a deal about you... Have any other story characters, oh I don't know, come to life and come to you?" Emeline asked, on a roll. "No. But this is ridiculous! It's 11:30 at night for Pete's sakes! I must be hilusinating. Bye." I said, with a yawn. She said, "Touch the cool water, you aren't dreaming. Isabelle, you posses magical abilities. Whichever character wether it good or bad, is your favourite, will come to life and find you." I touched the cool water, feeling it glide against my French manicured nails. I wasn't dreaming, if I could have screamed but I tried to stay calm. I asked, worried,"Why me? Why not the girl across the street? Why not someone in China? Why ME???" "Relaxe Isabelle. The Gods of Fantasy chose you. You've always believed, that's why I think you were chosen. That's all I can share, for that's all I know." Emeline calmly said. I said, " Well, I'll lift your tank into my trunk. You can stay in my pool." " Is it salt water? I'll die in chlorine." Emeline asked. "Its salt water. Ready? Set? Go!" I replied as I lifted her tank up. Boy was she heavy! I drove her back to my house and carried her to my pool. My parents moved away for work, so they' never find out I had a mermaid staying in my pool. It was WAY past midnight so I went to sleep.

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