
22 1 4

I don't know what's wrong
I don't know what's wrong with me
I don't know what's wrong with my mind
I don't know what happened to the way I think
I feel like people are always judging me saying how I'm
Now I realize nobody really cares about me
I have a feeling I'm going to end up in an asylum
It's like I'm looking out a window
Looking out of a window in my prison
The key is right next to my cell
But nobody wants to open it
They say I'm a monster
When I'm really just a regular human being
It's either they think I'm a monster
Or they just don't want anything to do with me
Only 4 people ever opened it
But when they have
I have to go back in
All I really want in life
Is for someone to undo all the hinges
To forever open the cell
And make sure I never go back
To make the prison just disappear
And keep me outside with all the beautiful nature
Keep me with the nature
That I only saw outside the prison window

Poetry At Its Best..... I Hope (Editing In Process)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin