The Complete List of All Genders

Start from the beginning

Genderplasma– Similar to genderfluid, but feels "hotter".

Genderpositive– A term related to genderflux, which refers to a state when one feels that their gender is present.

Genderpunk– A gender identity that actively resists gender norms. Is also a euphemistic form of genderf*ck.

Genderqueer– A gender lying outside the gender binary; another word for non-binary.

Gendersea– Like gendervoid, but related to the ocean. A gender that is a vast sea of caverns and depths yet to be discovered. Made with otherkin related to the ocean or sea creatures in mind.

Genderstrange– When you can't pinpoint one word for your gender, but multiple terms almost fit.

Gendervague– A gender not definable with words because of one's status as neurodivergent.

Gendervex– See gyragender.

Gendervoid– A gender which is filled with void. Also known as voidgender.

Genderwitched– A gender in which one is intrigued or entranced by the idea of a particular gender, but is not certain that is actually experiencing it.

Gendfleur– A soft gender associated with pastel colors and flowers.

Girlflux– When one feels mostly or all female most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of female identity. This can be fluid with any other identity.

Glassgender– A gender that is very sensitive and fragile.

Glimragender– A faintly shining, wavering gender.

Glitchgender– Similar to genderfluidity, however while genderfluidity is normally described as your genders changing smoothly, genderglitch is more sudden and confusing. Note: created by a techkin with otherkin in mind, but available to use by everyone.

Gossagender– A gentle and fragile gender, a gender that is barely there.

Greengender– A subset of colorgender, for the color green.

Greygender– Has a gender at least partially outside the binary but it is weak and indefinable.

Gyraboy– Having multiple genders, which you don't understand, but knowing they have masculine qualities. Subset of gyragender.

Gyragender– Having multiple genders, but understanding none of them. Also known as gendervex.

Gyragirl– Having multiple genders, which you don't understand, but knowing they have feminine qualities. Subset of gyragender.

Healegender– A gender that brings peace of mind to the identifier. Once adopted, this gender connects the minds in ways that it had not been connected before. It brings clarity, creativity, and security to its identifier.

Heliogender– A gender that is warm and burning.

Hemigender– Feeling half one gender, and half something else, ex. hemiboy, hemigirl, etc. The "something else" may or may not be known.

Horogender– A gender which changes over time, with core feelings remaining, ex. horoboy, horogirl, etc.

Hydrogender– A gender which shares qualities with water; i.e. currents, tides, etc.

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