Nearly choking on the mouthful of coke I was drinking I quickly swallow it to avoid spitting it all over him in surprise. I felt my face turning even redder. “I don't have a boyfriend.” I said quickly, maybe a little too quickly, choking out the words and tried to compose myself.

Usually, when a guy asks a girl this question, it means he is interested in her. But in Leo Hartmann's case, I didn't know what to expect. Surely he couldn't be interested in me; there are plenty of hot girls in our school, let alone in Hollywood.

“Really?” Leo looked surprised and stopped looking around. I was feeling more and more self-conscious with him looking right at me, those crystalline oceans blue eyes like a deep ocean, one that I can get lost in forever. My heart sped up and thumped around like crazy in my chest. I mentally slapped myself. Ashley Dawson! Stop acting like a love stuck teenager! For god's sake I didn't even have a crush on him.

“So, can I ask you for a dance?” Leo asked, looking all adorably embarrassed again. My eyes widened and I nodded reflectively, looking down to take a sip and hiding my grin. Eeeeeeeek! Crap, I am crushing on Leo Hartmann, quick. Along with the rest of the female population of Trinity High, of course.

He took my cup from me and put it down on a nearby table. I could feel my face flushing as the reality of Leo Hartmann asking me to dance with him in a party sink in. he turned back and smiled at me making my heart do a weird dance in my chest and reached out to grab my hand. I could feel tingles from where he was touching me as he dragged me towards the dancing crowd.

We wiggled our way into the middle of the crowd; a lot of the people smiled and said hi to Leo, most of them were too drunk to notice at me. Others were just looking at me with raised eyebrows.  Leo, however, seemed oblivious to all the stares. Still holding onto my hand we stopped in an empty spot and he started spinning me around.

I couldn't help but laugh as he continued to spin me around until I felt like the entire room was spinning. However being my clumsy self I tripped over a section of the carpet and landed, luckily and embarrassingly into Leo's arms.

“Hahaha are you okay?” Leo laughed and steadied me, my heart raced as I took in how close together we were. I could feel his heartbeats against my body and, omg, his abs.

“Yeah.” I said, getting up quickly and slightly reluctantly. Leo flashed me a smile and started spinning me the other way around.

“Now you won't feel dizzy.” He said and I laughed. We continued to dance and talked. I was having so much fun that I even forgot when and where I was. Everything seemed out of focus but him, it felt like I was floating on Cloud 9.

Dancing around I felt like time had stood still and everything was perfect. Wait, time. What time was it? I looked down at my watch – it was nearly midnight. Crap, I needed to go home soon, there is still school tomorrow.

“I am sorry, I have to go.” I said reluctantly, looking up at Leo. I mentally cursed myself for saying that, why couldn't I just stop being such a goodie-two-shoes for a night?! It was such a perfect night and I just had to go and ruin it.

Feeling annoyed at myself, I excused myself from Leo and walked over to find Hilary, who was still busy flirting with a random guy. 'Hilary, it's nearly twelve, we should go now.'

“Yeah sure, whatever.” Hilary said breezily without even glancing at my direction. She waved her hands right in front of my face dismissively and nearly smacking me. She was also obviously not listening to me.

“Come on Hilary, I need to get home. You said you will drive me home whenever I want.” I whispered furiously, feeling annoyed at my best friend. She was all hot guys and no best friend.

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