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I'm suddenly awaken by the sound of screaming and objects being thrown. I slowly creep out of my bed and peer out into my open bedroom door. It was the usual, my parents were fighting. I gazed across the hall, there was my little brother Calum watching everything unfold. My dad told me when my mom and him  were younger, they were in love and all the problems they had now, didn't exist in there early ages of dating and marriage. But that seemed to good to be true since nowadays they don't even sleep in the same bed.  I remember what it was like when the house was quiet and the only sound that echoed was laughter. The kisses I received from my dad before I went to sleep. And I still remember how my parents used to tell each other how much they love each other. Now, "I love you " is replaced with "I wish you would stay out of my life!" and "I would've been better off without you!" I'm quickly awoken by my thoughts when I hear a door slam shut. I run down stairs, Calum soon following, to see my mother on the floor sobbing to herself. She began to start mumbling words, but I didn't care what she had to say. I just wanted her to know that I was there for her. I knelt down beside her face that had mascara stained all over it and brought her into a tight hug. I felt another pair of arms around mine. It was Calum. In this very moment I knew this was the beginning of a long road to an infinity.

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