A Jam Or A Bullet

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The scratching sound of a baseball bat scraping across the floor was an alarming sound for some. In a small house occupied by a man name Stephan, it had his heart beating over 100 drumming beats a minute. He twitched in his seat, the TV playing in front of him. He balled his hands in fists, closing his eyes as the sound got louder.

"I always liked baseball, how long did you play?" The woman stopped behind him, tilting her head to the side. Stephan sucked in a deep breath of air through his nose. Regretting ever running into this girl. Ever starting a conversation with this girl from the club.

She moved her hand over his mouth and ripped off the duck tape. A giggle escaped her lips at the sound of his groan and she strolled around him, one hand on the chair and the other swinging the bat. She then faced him, blocking the show on the TV; American Horror Story that was playing in the background. "I asked you a question Stephy."

"Ever since I was eight." He answered and she hummed, pulling away and standing up straight. She swung the bat back and forth, a devilish grin on her lips. "This is my first time, mind teaching me?"

"Please. . Harley I-" He quickly shut his mouth as the psychopath suddenly leaned over him, her hands landing on his thighs. He groaned and dropped his head back. "Please."

Harley giggled, a devilish grin playing on her lips as she stood up straight. She pouted. "You want me to let you go?"

"Yes." He gasped as she forced him to look at her, tugging at his chin. She grinned and leaned forward. She smiled widely, tilting her head and laughing hysterically as if she were just kidding. After a moment he laughed along with her only for her to bring herself closer. Becoming serious. "Well you's shouldn't act like you're someone you ain't."

He groaned. "I'm just a fan okay? Please, I just-"

"You're a copy cat Stephy." She sang after pulling away. "A copy cat of my puddin."

Stephan's recently dyed green hair was sticking to his forehead. The white paint rubbing off and the markings of black creating tattoos were now little blobs. He sat up and attempted to act like the Joker, growling. "Harley, if you don't-"

Harley lashed out, hitting him across the face with the wooden bat. She grabbed his hair, forcing him to look at her. "Do you know what Mr J does to copy cats?"

She pulled away. When she had first seen him at the club she had thought it was him. He almost looked identical accept this one seemed to be built differently and had eyebrows. She growled and swung the bat at his face. "Don't saunter around lookin' like my puddin!"

She held up the bat again and hit him atop the head. She growled and swung it in her hand as he moaned in pain. What a professional would do when walking to the plate. She sat it down before she sat in his lap, tugging his face to look at her. "If yuh loved my puddin' so much you wouldn't steal his face like that. Now would you?"

I giggled out loud, lifting my head to better wash the blood out of my hair. The voices were ringing off the walls. Laughing with me, scolding me, making fun. It was a variety and I really felt crazy. Crazier then usual. To the point where it was almost stupid. 

"Awe!" Harley hummed, holding the bat over her shoulders. "You're so cute when you're scared!"

She moved the bat from over her head swiftly, placing it on his lap. She brought her face closer with a smirk, licking her lips. "You learned your lesson, right?"

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