Day 073, 03:01:01

Start from the beginning

While passing around the outside of this spacious communal area, I stare around us at...

... a place just like Dream City, on Earth. Except this biological diversity is a product of multiple naturally occurring generations. Not the forced creation of godlike tyrants.

"-and you will notice the diversity! Dwarf miners and automatons from Natter. Tall spindlers and rainbow drifters from Plenum Sphere. Asteroid belters of all types. And more. So much more! Waypoint is not an idly chosen name. This station is centrally located among all the Outer enclaves in the System. Accounting for the inter-revolving nature of planetary orbits and asteroid belts, of course. Our rules here allow for it. They are exceptionally moderate, and inclusive. Members of any enclave in the System are allowed to temporarily visit or permanently emigrate as long as they follow the appropriate channels, the People's Council votes accordingly and the Interlocuter signs off. Naturally, this might be new information to you. Bypassing all that with such an interesting entrance was just WILD. All my friends are dying to know more about you, and–"

But her friends were not the only ones: nearby members of the Commons were showing me a fair bit of attention as we passed around the outer rim, back towards the next hallway. Heads turned. Eyes tracked. The wave grew outwards, although few of the stares were intense...

My eyebrows drew together.

Most are calm. Only mildly interested. This is not quite the reaction I had expected, all things considered. A truly placid people. Without extreme swings of emotion. Even with my rumoured association with the Anomoly, myth, and legend. Although...

Some are different. A tigerman eating alone, a group of ape biosynth in business suits, and two spacesuit wearing Avians stare suspiciously.

(The Chimerics, yes. What is it about animal hybrids, and animals evolved? A common Outer different from pure human progeny?)

Nae leads me out into another long white corridor curving off into the distance, its walls gleaming silver, subtly patterned and split down the center with a clear stripe showing through to starry void. "-and of course there is plenty to do besides work at various administrative, maintenance, and production modules. The Interlocuter is one of the most progressive Station heads. He successfully campaigned to have a public Synthesium installed. There! You can see it through the next few apertures. The laboratory half includes highly advanced computers, robotics, spectral equipment, chemistry sets, and fabrication assemblies. I dabble a bit myself, although most of my extra-curriculars focus more on the social/physical fun. Are you interested?! We have a number of different rec leagues for sports, which are scheduled chiefly in the Anterior Park, or Commons. To get acclimated, you could join my g-ball club!!! Or any others, and try–"

Only half listening, I am staring into one of the Synthesium's public science sections. It's a mostly empty white labspace. The few biosynths within wear white labcoats. Cubicles are small, medium, and large. Basic processers and standing screens dominate. Gleaming silver, glass, and grey equipment is spread throughout.

(That one.)

A great ape biosynth wearing a white labcoat is typing away at the back. He frowns into a screen, then glances at me with intensity...

We pass out of sight, approaching the bright end of the curving hallway. "- are useful, without a doubt. Not all of us are so advanced. Some Outers are always in shape due to advance genetics, but others have to work at it just like legacy humans. And some others are practically immortal! The Interlocuter is one. HA! But that's not jealousy you hear. I'm one of the longer lived. Still, there's lots of diversity. Much can also be done with body modifications. But listen to me chattering away! Anyhoo, we're approaching the Anterior Park. Isn't it just a lovely space? Most of us were born on Stations, so few can enjoy the touch of nature. Our wallscreens are state of the art, so you really feel immersed in a different environment. This one rectreates Earth-like conditions that existed before it was consumed by the Anomoly. Sights, smells, and–" She leads me out into a huge bright space. Grass stretches away, paths leading through distant trees beneath an artificial sun. My resolution-enhanced vision shows its pixels, so I dial it down to better enjoy the effect as we head down a tiled lane.

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