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29 October 2016

9.06 pm

Dear Dan,

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to know why you were not replying to me emails or reading them even though you've clearly received them.

I knew you were leaving for London today, so I waited. I went over to the airport and waited. I needed to know why you were not answering me, and I was thinking that if you weren't going to tell me, I would have to ask you physically, in person.

I waited for hours, and I finally spotted them. Your parents. Walking out of the airport carrying three luggages.

Without you.

I ran over to them to ask them why you weren't with them, and the answer I got was 'Dan.... he will never be with us ever again.'

Your mom was in tears. She told me everything.

And now, I'm crying, Dan. I'm crying.

Her words ripped my heart into shreds. She told me.... she told me you didn't survive the turbulence. You were... one of the casualties.

Now I know why you didn't reply to my emails. It wasn't because you didn't want to, it was because you couldn't.

I know you're not alive anymore, and you will never be able to read this. But please bear in mind that you will always be in my heart, and the best friend I'll ever have.

Thank you for being there for me, even at the times when I wasn't.

I opened the door to your room today, Dan, and I placed the stuffed toy llama on your bedside table.

The gift from your fan, I will not touch. You are the only person in the world obligated to touch that. If you'll never be able to touch it again, then so be it. The gift will be in the box forever.

I've decided to still send you emails every now and then, because I want to have the feeling of communication with the best friend I have and will ever have.

I updated my Twitter account, and here's what I said:

@Danisnotonfire Goodbye Internet.

Bawling his eyes out,

Dear Dan- a Dan and Phil fan fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now