Sam Winchester

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Summary: The reader is another British Man of Letters from Britain. She helps Toni kidnap Sam from the bunker and send Cas away. But as you watch as another woman tortures Sam, you fell sympathetic for the moose in front of you. And when his brother, and mother come to save him he takes you with him for 'information'. But what happens when he starts to feel something for you.

Warnings: Sammy being shot, a pissed Brother and Mother, torture techniques, with a pinch of possible angst and fells to make it complete. And some spoilers from season 12′s episodes 1 and 2.

A/N: Sorry if this is a little inaccurate, I don't remember the events that happened in the two episodes, and I can't re-watch them both because my sister deleted it from the television. Also, I am British, and this too all of the British fan boys and fan girls out there. I Not going to be singing the nation anthem or anything, but I am drinking tea while writing this because it like -50 degrees right now. Also, I am assuming that you all know what the key is to an 'x Reader' fic.

You were informed about what the Winchesters had done when you found that the sun had turned nuclear, because God's sister was threatening to destroy the world

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You were informed about what the Winchesters had done when you found that the sun had turned nuclear, because God's sister was threatening to destroy the world. You had a family that you needed to take care of, and you weren't going to let two brothers kill your family or the world.

You were traveling with Toni, or as she like to be called, Lady Bevell, and she was calling you Lady (Y/L/N), because it was England and you both had some class.

It took you quite a while to arrive in the States. When you arrived the was a black BMW waiting for the both of you. When you both got out of the plane you saw a beefier woman standing with the driver, she was going to help you get the answers out of the Winchester Brothers. You had to admit that you weren't a fan on the torture techniques, but he Winchesters were known for starting the apocalypse and battling almost every supernatural creature that could potentially kill in their country.

"Lebanon Kansas." Was the place where their bunker was. The bunker to them was the place where they kept all their book on the lore and all their weapons. You couldn't wait to be there. You had them in England, but you had only seen then when you went up to Edinburgh, Scotland to help some other hunter from hereafter. (An old world for Scotland). In the UK, all hunters from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland helped each other out because you were all from the same country.

As you pulled up to their bunker you cocked your gun and placed you knife in your boot, because let's be honest you were a badass hunter, with a killer accent.

"So. What do we do?" You asked as we were getting your arson ready.

"We're going to go in there and take those Winchester brothers and ask them some question." Toni said as she walked towards the door, with you following behind her.

When you both entered the bunker, you found out that there was no one there. So, you decided to see what the library as like and where they kept your weapon, but you just said that you were going to check if anybody was somewhere else in their bunker.

As you were searching for the weapons in this thing, you heard the door opening. You started to make your way back to the main room, the war room. When you got to one of the openings that lead to the war room, you saw two figures, but then one was gone in a giant ball on light. It was so blinding that you had to cover your eyes.

The second figure was at least six foot four with long hair. You could only see him from the back, but you had to admit that he was very attractive. He had broad shoulders and a muscular body. You could tell because his cloths stuck to him when you walked closer to him.


Your partner had shot him in the knee making him immobile.

"(Y/N). Will you please give me a hand with him please." She ordered more than asked.

Sam turned his head in your direction. You could see his hazel/green eyes and his facial features clearly as ever. He looked at you with wide eyes, with something a little more in them.

You made you way over to him and started to lift him. He was extremely heavy, but you were blaming that all on his body size and muscle mass. You had to tie him up, gag him, and ultimately knock him out just to get him to stop squirming against the both of you.

When you got to a little house somewhere in the country, you tied Sam to a chair in the middle of the basement. You took his shoes off for future torture. The way you knew his name was that the British had their files. Of their names, personal info, and all their records; so, their birth certificate and their legal death documents. You normally dealt with all the legal and researching in your hunting days. Toni was more of the 'take action when needed' kind of hunter. You were trained, but you didn't use it much as you probably should.

You were pulled from your thoughts when Sam admitted a low groan from his throat. You were leaning against the wall with the lady that you met when you got off the plane, whilst Toni was sitting on a chair with a pad and pen.

"Hello Sam Winchester. I am Toni Bevell. British Men of Letters. This is my associate and my partner (Y/N) (Y/L/N), also British Men of Letters. We're just going to ask you a few questions. About you and your brother, hunters in America and how you saved the sun." She said in one of the calmest voices that you have ever heard her talk in.

You saw his eyes shift to you and you could feel the heat rise to your cheeks. You turned away from him so he couldn't see that he made you blush.

He turned back to Toni saying "So you shoot me, kidnap me. But yeah happy to help."

"Well, I didn't want to hurt you Sammy. But you're you. It was always going to go this way."

"You know me?"

"We've been watching you and your brother since you almost ended the world the first time. It was all about you and Lucifer, the angels falling." She said stating the facts to him.

"And where were you?"

"Well, some of us wanted to get involved. But the old man wouldn't allow it", gesturing to you and herself, "Thought we were over stepping our bounds. After all this business with the darkness, even they agree. Things. Need to. Change. You might not believe this Sam, but we're here to help."

He scoffed at her after he little speech. " Yeah, no I can tell."

"I won't apologies for locking you up. You're dangerous to others and yourself. But if you answer my questions, you'll walk right out that door. I promise."

He searched her eyes to see if she was telling the truth, and she was. He then turned his head towards you to do the same thing. Instead, he was mesmerized by your (Y/E/C) as they stared back at him.

He stayed silent for a moment before he replied, with a simple "Pass."

"Sam- "You started, but Sam cut you off. Even though he wanted to hear your voice more.

"You can ask me any kind of question you want; the answer will always be the same. Screw. You. You wanna gut me. Well I've been torture by the devil himself. So, you, are just an accent and a pantsuit. What can you do to me?"

You and Toni just stared at him knowing what do to next. Toni put the lid back on her pen as the lady started the tap. The tap was connected to a shower hose that was above Sam. He was then soaked with cold water.

"A cold shower? That's your play?" he asked, flipping his hair the sexist way imaginable. As he continued to get soaked. "Screw you."


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